10 thoughts on “Murderous Ché Guevara – 101”

  1. Good vid but there’s no record of Guevara getting a Medical Degree. I’ve spoken to people who knew him and said his medical knowledge was very cursory. Also, he met Fidel in Mexico which is an omission that speaks to Guevara’s adventurism. He set off to foist a communist form of government on a country he had never even visited.

  2. There’s no evidence he ever graduated from medical school, and it’s been sought. I recall one researcher was told his medical degree was “lost.”

  3. My vicious lawyer has been notified about this shameless plagiarism…all the Che quotes used in this video appear ONLY in MY book…

    And Henry’s right–no record of Guevara’s Medical degree exits. Just ask the meticulous researcher-historian Enrique Ros (Ileana’s Dad.) Unlike the makers of this video, in MY book I both cite and thank Mr Ros for his research–and repeatedly: in the acknowledgements, text and footnotes of my book.


  4. Unfortunately, regardless of documentation or accuracy, both Fontova and Ros will be automatically dismissed out of hand as belonging to “those people,” who naturally are too hysterical to think staright, let alone tell the truth.

  5. Humberto, I assume, of course, you’ve sent a complimentary copy of your book to the Argentinian embassy in the US as well as to Madame President in Buenos Aires–if only to piss them off.

  6. No but good idea, Asombra. See? the idea was Asombra’s not mine. And so he gets credit…

    Many of the Che quotes in my book were dug up from obscure 1962 issues of the then very obscure Verde Olivo, the Cuban Military’s official rag–hard-copy, yellow and crumbling, and in the cellars of Tulane Univ.’s Latin American library …I’m guessing the makers of this video didn’t find them there…


  7. However, La Presidenta may not speak English, though obviously her ambassador to the US would. I know the book has been published in Portuguese and Russian, but apparently not in Spanish. It really needs to be. It might open the eyes of at least a few of our “brothers.”

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