Reuters showers praise on pro-Castro Cuban exiles, denigrates “crazy right-wing” Cuban exiles in Miami

Crazy right-wing Marco Rubio: evil Cuban-American
Crazy right-wing Marco Rubio: evil Cuban-American

Let’s play a game.

Spot  all instances of bias and/or bigotry in the article below.

(And this is only an excerpt, so if you like the game, take a look at the whole piece HERE.)

From Granma Euro-Lite (Reuters):

Obama’s Miami connections helped smooth path to meeting with Castro

Obama has been taking the temperature of the Cuban-American community for years.

His first practical lesson took place over a smoke break outside a fund-raiser at the Kaleidoscope Club in Chicago in 2004 when he was running for the US Senate.

Former Miami City manager Joe Arriola told Obama — both men were trying to quit cigarettes — how to appeal to Cuban-American voters.

“I told him not to listen to the crazy right-wing in Miami … that my kids’ generation thought differently,” recalled Arriola, a prominent Cuban-American politician.

Joe Arriola
Joe Arriola: good Cuban-American

Arriola, invited Obama to Miami that fall for a fund-raiser that netted his Illinois Senate campaign $50,000 (Dh183,657).

“We brought him down several times after that. He would have breakfast with us and we would pick up people to introduce to him,” Arriola said.

The chance encounter in Chicago sparked interest by Obama in the changes in the once solidly Republican Cuban-American enclave in south Florida.

The Miami fund-raiser was kept quiet because Arriola, a 67-year-old former Republican, was still serving the city of Miami, and another participant, Manny Diaz, was the mayor. They were unsure how the Cuban exile community — known for taking to the streets — would react….

…. Obama appears to have accurately gauged the mood in Miami.

One weekend in January, Cuban exiles protesting Obama’s outreach to Havana were far outweighed by demonstrators protesting the captivity of Lolita, a killer whale at Miami Seaquarium.

Crazy right-wing Ileana Ros-lehtinen: evil Cuban
Crazy right-wing Ileana Ros-lehtinen: evil Cuban-American
Crazy right wing Miami blog: evil personified
Crazy right wing Miami blog: absolute evil


4 thoughts on “Reuters showers praise on pro-Castro Cuban exiles, denigrates “crazy right-wing” Cuban exiles in Miami”

  1. Imagine that, being against total capitulation and acquiescence of an ossified 56 year old, totalitarian, bloodthirsty regime and wanting democracy instead is the equivalent of being crazed right wingers! Worst still, even though the majority of Cuban exiles are against rapprochement with this regime [mirroring blacks who did not want rapprochement with Apartheid South Africa] and what you have instead is a minute elite group that wants to do business with Cuba, they say, don’t listen to us, and that’s somehow OKAY. Naturally, Reuters says doesn’t clarify anything. In other words, tacit approval through indifference. Ah, what Reuters will do to keep that Cuban press office open!

  2. Yet another old movie: shitty Cubans being used by usual suspects. But it’s not exploitation–these Cubans are very user-friendly.

  3. There were multiple factors in Cuba’s downfall, including external ones, but a very key factor was the existence of too many Cubans who lent themselves one way or another to the monstrous evil that overtook our country. In other words, there were serious problems with Cuba’s human element, which is always critical. Alas, that apparently remains the case, both in and out of Cuba, and the evidence is as abundant as it is convincing, not to say deeply depressing–not to say disgusting.

  4. Ah, Manny Díaz, aka “la gatica de María Ramos.” Well, at least the Elián crisis was good for somebody. As for Arriola, can you say “camaján”? He sure looks like one to me, but if that’s too esoteric, try operator. Unfortunately, both characters are eminently Cuban types. Lord, the shame.

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