4,000 Cuban doctors flee Venezuela UPDATED

Miguel Octavio at Devil’s Excrement has the link to this stunning admission here. It goes to show that life in Chavista Venezuela is communist enough to force Cubans to escape.

Tell that to the next pro-Chavista in sandals that wants to extol the glories of Chavistadom.

UPDATE: Boli at Boli-Nica blog reports that now castro’s doctors are fleeing Bolivia, too. His acerbic take on it is here.

12 thoughts on “4,000 Cuban doctors flee Venezuela UPDATED”

  1. Ironically, the unionradio piece that Miguel links to calls the doctors “deserters.”

    I always thought that term applied only to military personnel.

  2. Deserters would be the perfect noun for fleeing doctors. After all they were sent to Venezuela or whereever at the service of the castroit regime. As communist missionaries foremost, medical assistance second. These were no volunteers.

  3. I like the Kalashnikov story too. In a recent article I read, Kalashnikov regretted that so many of his guns were built to be sent to the third world, where they have ended up arming millions of thugs and terrorists.

  4. Just heard on the Venezuelan news that EFE news agency has confirmed the death of Castro. Any information about this?

  5. So thats why they call it free health care. Because if you are a doctor sent out of Cuba you have a chance to escape and be free.

  6. LOL, I bet Val gets a nice hit spike as we all come to him for confirmation of the rumor.

    Fingers crossed but skeptical. Some things are too good to be true.

  7. Cuban “doctors” are also fleeing from Bolivia. For that reason Fidelhugo invented the express-medical-teching for bolivian students, intended to fill in the blanks created in the bolivarian “misiones”.

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