16 thoughts on “And the wait continues…”

  1. Don’t worry, Val.

    This photos shows that the ones posted yesterday are fake.

    Castro is indeed sitting in a hospital bed. he can’t even sit.

    He’ll die in that bed. And this will be the “adverse news” Juventud Rebelde wrote about.

  2. Val, could it be a photo of when he was treated after breaking his leg? It depends on if Chavez had visited him after that incident.

    Let’s not take photos from regime’s press as Vangel.

    Remember we’re dealing with newspapers who belong to Castro himself.

    That means, they are far from reporting the truth.

  3. If and I stress IF castro comes back after this then my original theory of the desire to portray him as superman is correct. chavez’ statement asking what “this man is made of” (I can answer that, but I won’t) is a build up.
    I also feel that for whoever we want to blame whether the dissident movement or the US a window of opportunity has been missed. The time to strike was when they were in confusion, now they have reorganized. I fear that this was our best window of opportunity. Its time to chill the bottles again. I just hope it doesn’t turn to vinegar before they are opended.

  4. No one wants to listen. They’re too busy debating how they’re going to win back Cuba. Then fight amongst eachother ’cause they don’t agree with some points. They’re too busy going to work and resuming everyday life here in the states and else where. So much for my modern mambi proposal.

  5. The pictures we saw yesterday are fakes, either via body double or old pictures. There is still alot of hope that he is very sick or dead. Where are the hospital monitors for his vital signs? Where they disconnected for the photo shoot? I thought he was walking around the room? Not one picture that came out this weekend was he standing. If he was talking on the phone, as two pictures showed, send the Miami Mafia a message. The last thing I noticed was that for a person who loves to spotlight, he hasn’t learned to look at the camera when someone is taking his picture.

  6. When the bestia fell a couple of years ago did he break his leg as well? Because if you look at the recent pictures of him and mini-me, it looks like he has a cast or something. It might be a picture of chavez and la bestia when he broke his leg. It might just might be my wishful thinking.

  7. The Miami Herald has the photos on their website. Aside from the missing monitors (pointed out above) – there do appear to be some oddities about the photos with Castro — doesn’t sit up, a couple of items that are in one photograph dissappear in another (“dolls” on table in 1 are absent in 2). The shadows are weird in 7 (seems like only hugo is casting a shadow). The foliage in the window seems to change between 3 and 5.

    The location of the little pull thing in the background seems to change between left of bed on 2 to far right of bed on 3.

    Color me dubious with respect to these photos. Nothing strikes me as super fake (unlike the adidias photos of yesterday) though the shadows and moving pull thing are bizarre — but then again, I’m no photo manipulation expert.

  8. The pictures and video are a ruse. The video was shot several weeks ago. Chavez grew one half inch longer sideburns since yesterday and the handclasp photo was photoshopped because they left the middle index finger of Chavez rectangular. He’s also missing the end of his index finger of that same shaking hand. Blow it up larger if you don’t believe me. These guy are total liars and do not believe a word from them or anything else.

  9. The BIG question here (and the real news) is why Michael Parmly attended the birthday celebration! I don’t believe for ONE minute that he went to mingle with the CUBAN people. Everyone knows that the Cubans “de a pie” don’t attend those functions. Only hand picked, DIE HARD party members are invited.

    I’m greatly dissapointed, but not surprised!

    Something is cooking between Cuba and the U.S. and Cuban-Americans are being kept out of the loop.

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