Not just Cuban-Americans taking government pay

In response to Oscar Corral’s recent “scoop” about the suppposed lack of journalistic ethics among some of the top Cuban-American journalists in Miami, Josh Gerstein of the New York Sun has discovered that many American journalists are similarly paid by the Voice of America which falls under the same exact governing body as the Office of Cuba Broadcasting.

Read the article here and my commentary at Herald Watch here.

5 thoughts on “Not just Cuban-Americans taking government pay”

  1. Great work, Henry!

    OK, so now let’s get this straight: if TV Marti is tainted and VOA is tainted, what about NPR? Aren’t they on the government funding? Or is being on the government tit different if you’re as leftist as they are?

  2. “Another regular panelist on the VOA show, David Lightman of the Hartford Courant, also rejected any comparison with the Cuba-oriented services. “This is nothing like Radio Marti. Nobody at VOA has ever told us what to say or suggested what we should say,” he said. “My view is, I’m a professional. I should be paid for my time. … I don’t just wing it.”

    Mr. Lightman, No one at TV/Radio Marti told/suggested to the Cuban-American Journalist what to say either. They too are profesional, credible and reputable individuals. I resent the spurious comment you made. Hopefully, all this will come to light if/when legal action against the Miami Herald is taken.

  3. Yes what about NPR? Oscar Corral himself has done work for them, including commentary on Luis Posada who he also wrote about in the Herald. Talk about rotten.

  4. One thing that The Miami Herald and Mr Oscar Corral can be sure of is that the journalists they tried to defame will be vindicated, while they will soon be judged by the events to come.

    It is almost sure that The Herald will survive, but I wonder where Mr. Corral will go when the Castro Tiranny becomes just a nightmare in the history of Cuba.

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