Coño! September 21, 2006 by Val Prieto Craftsman? John Deere? Snapper? They aint got nothing on this guy:
Unbelievable! I’m sure when he’s finished mowing his lawn he could turn it into a motorboat and head toward the Keys.
When I saw this picture … I thought of it as the Cuban version of the “Flintstones” … o “Los Picapiedras” 🙂 Melek “La necesidad es la madre de la invención” Indeed!!
Unbelievable! I’m sure when he’s finished mowing his lawn he could turn it into a motorboat and head toward the Keys.
No hay duda de que el cubano esta hecho pa’ resolver!
When I saw this picture … I thought of it as the Cuban version of the “Flintstones” … o “Los Picapiedras” 🙂 Melek
“La necesidad es la madre de la invención”