So you wanna trade with Cuba, eh?

Via Blog for Cuba and The Real Cuba we get word that two major Swiss banks, UBS and Credit Suisse have stopped all transactions with the Cuban government.

The money quote comes from Child of the Revolution, who picked up the following before the news sources edited their reports by removing it:

However, AFP quotes a spokesman for UBS, Christoph Meier, as saying the reason for the boycott is because “it costs too much to ensure that Cuba respects and conforms to legal and financial regulations“.

We certainly can’t have major members of the MSM being too critical of the Cuban government now, can we? You will no longer find the above quote from UBS spokesman Christoph Meier on any online news portal.

Correction: The link at Blog for Cuba still has the quote by Christoph Meier.

11 thoughts on “So you wanna trade with Cuba, eh?”

  1. I’ve got a copy of AFX’s webpage with the original text. They’ve been caught red handed altering the truth. Aren’t Blogs great?

  2. It looks like the Swiss got scared, they are probably thinking that when Castro dies and Cuba becomes free and democratic, the cubans will demand the bank to freeze the accounts because that money does not belong to the Castro family or his group of communist thugs. The Swiss banks probably do not want their banks to be closed down for all the illegal money laundering they have been doing, so they retire before they get caught.

  3. What do Castro apologists Kirby Jones and Wayne Smith, who have promoted trade with Cuba for decades, have to say about this?

  4. These Swiss bankers are amoral but definitely not stupid. They can see what’s coming, and they’re moving to control the damage before it blows up in their face. Whether they’ll “do the right thing” later, when it comes time to give back the huge amounts of Cuba’s money illegitimately siphoned off to them, is a very different matter.

  5. Delacova,

    Nick O. Jones is the Spanglish and nice way of saying.

    Ni Cojones

    In other words the two people you mentioned have said “ni cojones” or nothing.

  6. looks like people are starting to realize that when you deal with criminals you get sleazed. in cuba foriegn companies are subservient to fidel’s frontmen. said companies always have less than 50% interest, they don’t pay the cuban workers directly,as with an individual paycheck instead they pay fidel who then converts money into worthless pesos to give the workers. this situation has the ironic effect of large companies feeling sympathy for their cuban workers and actually paying them cash under the table before paying fidel. this economic apartheid leaves room only forhighly screened cuban party members who must pass after more than ayears review to land tourist jobs in these closed end resorts. real unions in cuba are extinct or in prison no one owns their home, there are no direct deposit bank accounts, no atms or internet accounts. none of these basic economic tenets are present for the average cuban worker. they instead exist solely for foriegn tourists and connected cubans of the communist party. so look for yourself and see if after more than 15 years of european dealings with don castro cubans have a better life. the swiss have seen the holes in this smelly regime.

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