Friends, Babalusians, Countrymen. Lend me your ears

We are here to bury a tyrant. But every day among us we find more of those that would defend and make excuses for the tyrant.

And I am here to tell you that they are welcome here. Because their very presence signals that the tides of the battle have turned.

Despite their vocal protests they are losing the battle. The more shrill their voices become the more we shall know that victory approaches.

They have long had powerful allies such as the willing MSM on their side but their strength is diminished while ours grows daily. Notice that we have had half a million visitors in the last 6 months. Do a search for any item related to Cuba and will you not find a Babalu entry among the top results?

So let them start their blogs. Let them parse every word spoken here. They are simply re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as another totalitarian regime goes under.

8 thoughts on “Friends, Babalusians, Countrymen. Lend me your ears”

  1. That’s right Henry! Nuestro dia ya viene llegando! Just look at how many rats have recently left the sinking ship!

  2. Actually I’m finding supporters of the Castro boys to be fewer and fewer every day. We are in the midst of a paradyne shift of dramatic proportions! By this time next years they will be the Caribbean Hitlers in the eyes of the entire world…

  3. I think you mean “paradigm shift” Mr. Estrada Palma.

    Anyway, thank you Mr. Gomez for your tacit mention of bloggers like myself, and welcoming our arguments.

    I hope you continue to encourage diverse arguments in future discussion.

  4. I do what I want on my blog, because…

    It’s my blog. It’s a free country (at least for the time being) and while it remains free I will do what I want.

    Nobody tells you what to do on that blog of yours that nobody reads.

  5. I do what I want on my blog, because…

    It’s my blog. It’s a free country (at least for the time being) and while it remains free I will do what I want.

    Nobody tells you what to do on that blog of yours that nobody reads.

  6. People on the outside world just don’t understand the totalitarian regime and its control over information.They think just because THEY haven’t heard about any bad things happening in places like Cuba or heard somebody there complain it’s assumed everything must be groovy there. Then they are astounded when the entire house of cards collapses in a flash like in the old USSR. Please forgive them Cubans. They know not a thing about this genocide…yet.

  7. The shrill, hysterical, delusional “comments” and tone of some of these pro-poopy-barbudo types sounds a lot like the shrill, hysterical, and delusional sloganeering and shouting emanating out of the 3rd reich in its death throes; masterpieces of banality and bullshit such as “Unser mauern brechen, unser herzen nicht!” – “Our walls break, our hearts do not.”

    Which brings to mind something adolf once said, apropos to illustrate what “poopyman” has done to Cuba: “Give me five years and you will not recognize Germany again.” Of course, “poopyman” not being as organized and efficient as the mad Austrian megalomaniac, it only took him 48 years to achieve the same result.

    But, at least we can see the end of the beginning, hysterical rantings and ravings from the loony left notwithstanding.

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