Despite the high level international media campaign to end the embargo and blame the US for Cuba’s woes and despite the fact that the regime has sent out an army of cyber-useful-idiots to peddle it’s lies people around the world are starting to speak up about the REAL CUBA.
I have commented in the past how a lot of these rinky dink newspapers from the caribbean simply reprint stories basically verbatim from such horsecrap sources like Granma, Juventud Rebelde, and Prensa Latina which are all official propaganda arms of the castro regime. But lately some of these papers have started printing letters that are critical of Cuba and its “government”.
Today’s example is from the Cay Compass of the Cayman Islands:
The Castro Government rations all food, limiting them to very little meat. Whenever she got a chicken, it was always sick, (worms) scrawny and half dead. She would keep it alive by giving it medicine from her husband’s allotment and then when she got another one, she would do the same until they were healthy enough, not to eat, but to give them something as precious as gold – fresh eggs!
She had them trained to be quiet and not to crow as they were forbidden by the government to own any chickens themselves. (Good old Caymanian smarts!) She would share the eggs with elderly neighbours until one day the inevitable happened.
She was turned in by a Castro informer! The Government immediately sent police to take away and destroy her chickens.
Doesn’t that sound like Paradise to you? Doesn’t that make you want to go and live there among the oppressed Cubans?
Paradise indeed.
I think even journalists are smelling change in the wind
So what exactly did that story have to do with the embargo?
Nothing. The Embargo is just the issue of the day these “unbiased” media outlets are hammering on behalf of the regime. The point is that despite the increased intensity of propaganda people are responding with truth.
Nothing. The Embargo is just the issue of the day these “unbiased” media outlets are hammering on behalf of the regime. The point is that despite the increased intensity of propaganda people are responding with truth.