El Exilio en Cuba Nostalgia 2007

Well folks, the time has come to decide whether Babalu will be participating in this year’s Cuba Nostalgia Convention. We’ve had a great time and much success the previous years and we can make the exhibit bigger and better this year, but the fact of the matter is that it’s a lot of work and quite time consuming, not to mention expensive, to participate.

I had thought about taking a rain check on this year’s convention, but there are a couple things I think we could do to get even more participation and exposure for the work that might make it worthwhile.

First, there’s the Exilio Project. I can think of no better venue to be able to interview Cuban Exiles on the causes and effects of their exiling and their lives in the diaspora. I know I havent mentioned much about the Exilio project since I first brought it up, but Im trying to get all the ducks in a row prior to getting into specifics.

Second, given the advent of Blog Talk Radio, we literally could have a radio show live from the convention with interviews, music, etc…

I’d also like to have a couple bands play a few sets. Last year, the Rhett Y los Borrachos sets were a big hit and this year I’d like to give Dave the stage for ElExilio.

Unfortunately, mounting the exhibit not only takes time, but money. So I will grudgingly have to put out a call for donations as the Mrs and I cant afford to pull much out of pocket for the convention this year.

So, what do you all think? Any suggestions for the exhibit or how to raise money? And are there folks out there that can take a few days off to help out with set-up and take down?

There’s a little over two months left before the convention, so time is of the essence. Please give me your suggestions or comments and let us all know what youre thinking.

15 thoughts on “El Exilio en Cuba Nostalgia 2007”

  1. PIN that tail, for sure!!!! Ana o la otra reina sucia de NM.

    My $0.05’s worth is that if you don’t have the funds, don’t do it, take a rain check.

  2. Hi Val;

    I have my credit card ready and time on my hands will love to help. And how about a “Pinata pa entrale palo a ese desgraciaa”. But we know what she’s full of. No vaya a hacer que nos caiga un aguacero de MIER*A!

  3. Val,

    Cuba Nostalgia would not be the same without Babalu there.

    I like the idea of selling something like a cookbook or even a book of those great funny caricatures you always have on the blog.

    How about a fund raising barbecue at a park?

    Let me know how I can help.

  4. I feel bad, now, because I haven’t been either to the ManCamps or to Cuba Nostalgia…

    But I would happily pony up $20 as a contribution for my would-be ManCamp appearance, via PayPal.

    It reminds me of those Catholic school rifa tickets or chocolate bars we used to sell, where the parents ended up paying for the whole case or the whole batch of tickets, just so that their kid wouldn’t pass any pena.

    Oh! And speaking of auctions…how about a silent auction here or anywhere really.

    We could all contribute a tschoke or two, and then bid on it, as they do, “silently”.

    Though I have yet to see any Cubano-a do anything silently.


  5. PS, any $ we would get would not be profit, it would only go toward travel expenses for the rest of my band mates — we are based in New York City.

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