Morons like this pea-brained idiot who calls himself uber liberal:
I pulled in this Citgo gas station today, I only buy Citgo gas, because of all the goodwill and charity that Hugo Chavez does, how he helps out poor Americans with free heating oil and other things, how he sent $30 million in aid to katrina victims, things like that.
So I pull in, this fat assed woman driving a 15 year old Ford Bronco pulls in at the same time, opposite of me, on the other side of the pump island, she’s driving a white Bronco, the OJ Simpson special.
On her bumper are 5 Bush/Cheney bumper stickers. Pluse 4 weathered yellow ribbon magnets.
She swipes her credit card, takes out the nozzle and starts filling up.
She goes into the station – probably to buy herself some chewing tobacco, a bag of pork rinds, moonpies and a diet coke of course
I take her pump nozzle, place it into my gas tank and fill my 2007 Suburban up.
I top my truck off and stick the gas pump back into her truck and resume filling up her old piece of crap truck.
She finally tops it off and almost falls over when she saw she just paid $112 to fill “her tank”
I love being a mean bastard to stupid people.
He was probably wearing a che t-shirt.
Yes, an uber-liberal, a quintessential leftist: using someone else’s money for his own gain. I hope he’s next to Janet Reno in the last circle of hell and is forced to make love to her for all eternity.
This guy only proves that those on the left love the kleptocratic form of government. They do not believe in working hard and getting ahead. They just want to steal for the benefit of themselves.
I think what went unnoticed in pour post is the following: what the hell is a Bush-Cheney supporter doing filling up her car at a Citgo station that belongs to Hugo”the donkey” Chavez?
Does she have any brains? Where was she, when that idiot insulted our President at the UN? Does she read the news?
Parece que no conoces el pueblo de este pais. La mayoria de la gente ni sabe adonde esta Venezuela o quien es su idiota en jefe. Me acuerdo cuando el congreso de este pais estaba debatiendo si le iban a dar ayuda a los contras en los 80. Entrevistaron un congresista que ni sabia adonde estaba Nicaragua. Imaginate eso era un legislador que esperas de un fanatico de NASCAR.
And that’s why you never leave your car alone with the gas pump stuck in it. I don’t know, I’m calling BIG FAT FORD BRONCO-SIZED LIE on this story. For one thing, I would certainly have noticed when my credit card said n gallons and my gas gauge said much less than n, and complained to the attendant, who should have everything on video since most gas stations in places that aren’t small towns where everyone knows each other have video cameras to record anything irregular.
On the other hand, it’s possibly true. If so, I have little sympathy for anyone who was stupid enough to leave her car alone while it was still attached to the pump. I don’t know, I guess it’s because I grew up in Miami and learned that naivete and trustfulness badly placed can kill.
I think it was Harry Belafonte
The guy sounds like a classic troll, posting some garbage just to “revolver la you-know-what” and amuse himself by the responses he gets. My guess is he doesn’t have the stones to look at his own shadow, let alone steal something from someone who is right there.
To me it doesn’t matter if the guy is telling the truth or not, because either way it reveals his mind set. He has no ethics, a perfect example of an indoctrinated idiot. Ridicule others and steal what you want because you are entitled. That’s the biggest lie of the last 40 plus years, entitlement. It’s the policy of the democrats to maintain their voting base. You deserve everything just because you were born, someone else should pay for it, and you can trust the democrats to tax those “evil” rich capitalists and give you what you deserve. No matter the true cost to our country.
I have to add, we all know which ideology advocates the redistribution of wealth to promote an artificial equality. No good will ever come from that lie.
I won’t even a pack of smokes at a Citgo station.
Last week I had the heat in the car cranked and I went down to E really fast. I didn’t know how far I could go before I had to fill it up and the nearest place was Hugo’s. I decided I’d rather push my mini-van in the 20 degree weather than give him my money so I crossed my fingers and filled up 2 miles away.
Also, I don’t know if the uber-liberal term is accurate- I’d call that guy a P.O.S.
I’ll never give hugo a dime. I give my gas money to the Saudi’s, Bin Laden’s and Ayatollas. But if there is a better choice out there that GUARANTEES a safe source of oil please let me know and I assure you I’ll switch ASAP regardless of price. Between my Excursion, my Viper and my wife’s small Hummer H2 it would be great to get a source of “clear conscience” gas.
I am pleased that uber liberal makes sure we all understand that at its heart, liberal has devolved into stealing from others. Whether it is the honor of a country by supporting its enemies. Or it is supporting the reign of dictators like chavez or castro as they steal whole nations. Or maybe it is just fantasizing about the theft of some gas from someone who drives a car they don’t approve. Whether large or small, lefties like the idea of theft these days, it seems.
Buy Canadian!
jsb: How do I buy Canadian????????
I guess this is a perfect example of what Joan Swirsky was talking about.
Theft is at the heart of modern liberalism as is an aversion to personal charity. These celebrity “friends of mankind” grab all they can, immure themselves from contact with the common folk whether in their ivory towers or gated estates, and then fulminate against the very system that has provided them with undeserved riches to squander on themselves with absolutely no social conscience. You see, liberals expect us to help the poor and downtrodden with our limited resources but will not contribute even one cent from their limitless supplies. On television they plead with us to support their favorite causes, but never set the example. They don’t give money; that would be “gauche.” They give their time and their “passion” which costs them absolutely nothing and which they actually turn to good account by using these appearances to promote themselves and their latest money-making projects. They clamor for more government social programs and higher taxes which they themselves will never have to pay, because they hire the best accountants to cheat Uncle Sam (and the rest of us). Still, most Americans seem to fall for their act. Every story about them refers to them not merely as actors or celebrities, but “advocates for the homeless” or “supporters of social causes.” It is almost as if they knew that they had to embrace a higher cause (even symbolically) to excuse their parasitic lives.
CHEOMEDALLA and all interested,
Here you can find more information about terrorist free gas.
I agree with you Dino, this guy is a textbook example for “liberal pathology”
I find it interesting he justifies his stupidity with words like “goodwill” and “helps out poor americans” yet he make it a point to state this lady’s car is fifteen years old and he has a 2007 suburban. Narcissist: yes. Borderline personality: yes. Elitist liberal sack of garbage: yes.
Wait, people. First of all, an “uber-liberal” driving a 2007 Suburban? Then taking gas from another person’s pump? C’mon, guys! If that and mentioning Chavez doesn’t make this idiot a lying troll, I don’t know what does! Let’s not fall for a troll! This is just some idiot Che-shirt wearing teenie, keyboard-revolutionary trying to push buttons.
Second: I live near Indianapolis, and I see idiots from either the East Coast or from other “liberal” enclaves (like college towns) infecting the Indy Star boards all the time trolling what they view as red state/flyover country folks. There are always posts like that; some of these morons must think we’re all hilljacks or something. This idiot may be from Michigan, but he’s still an idiot trying to get reactions. I don’t believe a single word of his post because I see crap like that over and over again there. He’s making the whole thing up, like every other idiot.
And I don’t think boycotting Citgo will have the effect everyone thinks it’ll have:
“Many different oil companies buy crude oil from Venezuela, so even Americans who shun CITGO brand gasoline have no guarantee that they aren’t still sending their money to that country. And although Citgo may be owned by Petroleos de Venezuela, it is a formerly American company which is still headquartered in the U.S. (in Houston, Texas), employs 4,000 people, and supplies 14,000 independent retailers with gasoline and other petroleum products, Americans with no substantive connection to Venezuela who would be economically harmed by such an action.”
Look, I hate Chavez as much as anyone else, save the Venezuelans he’s hurting the most. You can’t tell a Filipino who’s family personally experienced Marcos that Chavez is any kind of good leader; our BS detectors are too well tuned by Marcos to fall for that crap. But… avoiding Citgo doesn’t take any cash out of Chavez’s pockets. If boycotting Citgo genuinely put any kind of hurt on Chavez, then I’d be all for it. Problem is, it doesn’t. It just hurts the small & mid sized business owner in the States. Chavez still gets to laugh his sorry, stupid ass all the way to the bank.
I choose to hurt Chavez by keeping up with the blogs that tell the truth about his regime. Venezuela News And Views is one. And I’ve always liked the “Devil’s Excrement” blog. They do the same thing for Chavez that Val here does for the real gusano in Cuba (Castro). And that is, they get the truth out. Hurting Chavez involves showing the truth instead of the tales he spins. That’s the way to get at that idiot: Puncture the wall of illusions he builds.
ElMondo, I know a number of liberals (including my uber-lib uncle) who drive big SUVs. Hypocrasy isn’t something they seem to shy from.
Whether this guy actually did this (which is debatable) or not doesn’t confirm his P.O.S (good choice, Claudia) pathology. The very fact that he would write this piece and assume that his readers would appreciate his stealing gas from a woman who likes Bush reveals his idiocy and a**holeness. And also his extreme arrogance–he assumes she chews tobacco and buys pork rinds (gasp–the symbol of low-class living) because she likes Bush and the troops, and she drives a vehicle she can afford? Whether he acted out his little fantasy or not, he’s a scumbag.
I agree he’s a scumbag, dramaturge, but my point was that idiots like that regularly tell lies on the Indy Star board to troll for angry replies. Again, I’m there a lot. I see it all the time. He’s a scumbag for thinking the story was funny and for thinking was the place to do it – as if Indystar readers were all bumpkins – but that doesn’t mean he did what he claims. That’s what I meant by “falling for trolls”. Liberals can have SUV’s, but someone bragging about it while ripping on a Bronco (another, albeit smaller SUV) and pushing the “Bush” and “Chavez” buttons is obviously not telling the truth. He’s just seeing who replies. Classic troll. Classic lying troll.
We ought to be telling the idiot that he must be stupid for thinking we’d fall for such crap.