Cuban Band Blasts Government (Update)


Porno Para Ricardo’s Gorki Agula fearlessly blasts the Cuban government on a CNN video. He say’s, “Communism is a total failure. Please–leftists of the world improve your Capitalism, don’t choose Communism.”

Watch it here.

**Update** As Ray says in his comment below, these guys are great and need our support! Visit their website.

H/T: The Real Cuba

21 thoughts on “Cuban Band Blasts Government (Update)”

  1. I agree that they have a right to disagree although I do not agree with their music. Do you agree with what I am saying or do you disagree? I am shocked that AbajoFidel used the P word. I have never used that in my life.

  2. Ziva,

    Thanks for this post. I was quite impressed with Gorki’s honesty and courage. They have a website with press releases and information on Gorki’s incarceration by castro’s thugs . . . there’s also contact information. Talk about standing tall in spite of continous harassment. Here’s their site:
    from their words: ” Todos a la marcha del pueblo dicidente.”

    I wish you well 🙂 Melek

    “Socialist ideology, like so many others, has two main dangers. One stems from confused and incomplete readings of foreign texts, and the other from the arrogance and hidden rage of those who, in order to climb up in the world, pretend to be frantic defenders of the helpless so as to have shoulders on which to stand.” ~ Jose Marti

  3. Ziva,

    Thanks for posting that CNN piece on Babalublog! I’m deliriously happy that CNN–with its enormous reach– did a piece on Porno para Ricardo. The only protection that dissidents in Cuba have is the protection that comes from notoriety. The Cuban regime is scared of bad publicity and the arrest of a well-known dissident is bad publicity.

    In order to support this band, I like to humbly ask everyone to go their website and buy their CD’s. They’re really good! These guys are not only brave, they are, also, INCREDIBILY TALENTED! I’m so proud of them and so happy that they go this coverage!

    Their website here in the USA which is run by a friend of their’s is:

  4. Mr. AbajoFidel: Please don’t be so offensive. I have never eaten one of those things, much less touched one. Do you have a younger sister that I can meet? We can agree to disagree.

  5. I am ALL for supporting outspoken, brave young people in Cuba. But… am I the only one who heard that the group leader was busted with drugs and he admitted it? No thanks, I’ll find outspoken, brave young people to support that are NOT into drugs!

  6. Cuban rockers have always been a thorn in the side of the cuban disgovernment, Going back to the long hairs(los peludos).( I beleive an old poster on here that does the killkastro blog can attest to this). These kids are just part of that long line.
    Along the same lines,I saw a Cuban movie about the music movement called Havana Blues. Not bad, it went into the details of the Cuban youth of today. Both sides, hip hop and rockers are speaking out. The government is trying to control them through the government recording studios, that the website of these Pornos para Ricardo showed a clip of. The government agent was the kid with the salt and pepper look. Like it or not, they are the future of that country.

  7. First, I was having sort of a crappy day until I made my everyday internet rounds and read this story on the blog. As a local south florida punk rock musician and a proud Cuban, I feel extremely proud of what these guys are doing. I can only hope to one day share a stage with these guys. I think what they are doing in Cuba takes a lot of balls, and it’s not something that other musicians are willing to do. I stand behind them 100 percent, and I’ll be more than willing to help them out in anyway that I can. ALEX, get in touch with me please, I’d like to find out more about these guys. I’ll be spreading the word about these guys through my band’s performances and website.

    -Jose R.
    To Be Hated
    Sour Grape Records.

  8. Those that have a problem with the focus on sex and drugs and rock and roll in PPRs music do not understand rock and punk.

    This group is as revolutionary as the Sex Pistols were in 1976. Even more so, since the Pistols were never in danger of getting arrested for their lyrics (and I truly fear Gorky’s heading back to jail soon with all this coverage going around). Gorky’s 2003 drug conviction was a setup. Although I’m sure he’s done plenty of drugs that he didn’t get caught for.

    As a Christian (who used to play in punk and metal bands), I of course would prefer my counter-revolutionaries to be moral people of their own choosing.

    But as a Libertarian (who is against all drug laws anyway), I am 1000% behind the cause of PPR. I’ve been blogging about them in my humble little corner (, where I said that they are the truest expression of punk rock. Ever.

    This group can do more damage to Castro than a million Posada Carriles. I don’t usually say things this way, but may they keep fucking Castro’s shit up.

  9. Julio, Punk Rock is not my preferred music, but I agree with you. Gorky’s no fool; he’s been in prison. People can criticize him all they want, but I’m not going to. By letting CNN tape him he’s put it all on the line, and you have to respect and admire that awesome courage. International recognition may give him some protection at least for awhile but he has already taken on fidel’s regime just being who he is. This hero deserves any help we can give him.

  10. Mari-Fea Pírez Inestable, trata por todos los medios que se olviden sus tiempos de coqueteo con la tiranía cubana. Acude a programas de TV, y habla “mal” del régimen con todo el que la quiere escuchar. Pero siempre se encuentra con cubanos de buena memoria que recuerdan sus tiempos de “dialoguera” y las acusaciones directas que en su contra se hicieron por desertores del régimen cubano, que la situaban cobrando una gabela por enviar viajeros a Cuba. Sería más fácil para ella, confesar que estuvo equivocada, contar lo que hizo y demostrar su arrepentimiento luchando de verdad y descubriendo las conexiones de muchos amigos y ex-amigos con los aparatos de la inteligencia castrista. Aquí se ha demostrado que existe entre los cubanos una capacidad de perdón interminable. Cuando el arrepentimiento es sincero, los cubanos de esta orilla extienden una carta de crédito sin colaterales. De eso hay mil ejemplos. Pero el arrepentimiento tiene que ser sincero y la confesión completa. A los exiliados nos encanta jugar quimbumbia, pero no somos idiotas.

  11. “But as a Libertarian (who is against all drug laws anyway), I am 1000% behind the cause of PPR”

    Wow! A fan to be proud of!! What the HELL does being behind the cause have to do with the issue of selling amphetamines???

    Of COURSE we are ALL behind the cause!! I would just prefer to support a MORAL revolutionary who is more concerned with exposing castro’s HELL than with getting high!

  12. Keywasted: I haven’t seen any evidence that Gorky is wasted on drugs, and no one here is advocating the use of illegal drugs. It’s his message I support and his willingness to risk his neck for said message. What, now we have a moral litmus test for anyone standing up to fidel? Please. Are all your heroes above reproach in every aspect of thier lives? Never drank too much? Didn’t smoke? No infidelities? No foolish statements uttered? I don’t know about you, but I love a common man, faults and all standing up for what is right equally as well as I would a saint.

  13. Regarding Gorki serving time for suspicion of selling drugs, if you take the time to click on their website:

    There’s a section on the left – Nosotros (about us) and under the biographical information you will see a press release on “Caso Gorki”. It’s in Spanish, but it clearly states how the arrest was based solely on “suspicion of drug sale to one person”. The arrest and conviction without any evidence might have resulted from Gorki’s refusal to change the name of the group and the lyrics of their songs, as demanded by the castro regime . . .

    I wish you well 🙂 Melek

    “Cuando otros lloran sangre, que derecho tengo yo a llorar lagrimas?” ~ Jose Martí

  14. “Wow! A fan to be proud of!! What the HELL does being behind the cause have to do with the issue of selling amphetamines???”

    Selling amphetamines shouldn’t be a crime, neither here nor in Cuba. But I digress. The cause of PPR is the freedom of the individual, which in Cuba is nonexistent.

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