The thug just can’t stop photoshopping

Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is a bigtime photoshopper, as Venezuelan bloggers have exposed again and again. It’s all part of his rabid hostility to private property and honest labor. Everything he does is ersatz, an imitation of somebody else’s work. That’s why it’s particularly gross to see the parasite now photoshopping from castro’s so-called revolution. The Thug has literally stolen castro’s party logo and refashioned it into his own. Not that we needed to be told, but does that tell us anything about his intentions? What happens when he runs out of things to steal?
Miguel has the photoshop of the two nations’ near-identical communist party logos right before your eyes here.

6 thoughts on “The thug just can’t stop photoshopping”

  1. It seems that the Juego Chavez cant come up with an original idea on his own. I was quite surprized when I saw the comparisons of the logos! Here is an original idea that would stand out from the Lefties………free elections, free markets, freedom of religeon, and freedom to publish or broadcast one’s message!

  2. Since Venezuela has become a Photoshop expert, maybe they are behind castro’s fake picture’s.

  3. Chavez is so blatantly thuggish and personally repulsive that anyone who supports him deserves him. There’s no excuse for being so stupid.

  4. he is not stealing that logo,el castrado had allow him to use it for whatever chavez sees it suitable…remember,the dream of boths mother f….,is a “cubazuela”…a country made of cuba and venezuela….chavez is just a clown and a puppet..

  5. he is not stealing that logo,el castrado had allow him to use it for whatever chavez sees it suitable…remember,the dream of boths mother f….,is a “cubazuela”…a country made of cuba and venezuela….chavez is just a clown and a puppet..

  6. Well, it’s in the same vein as Reforma Agraria – take what you like, from who you like, whenever you like. LOL. Priceless.

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