Im taking bets right now.

The coma-andante just published a new “editorial” stating that President Bush is just waiting for him to die.
To that, one can only say that the Commander in Chief certainly aint the only one. WE’RE ALL WAITING FOR HIM TO DIE.
But, Ill bet anyone a crisp twenty that fidel castro is already dead and the announcement of his death will be made on or before July 4th, 2007.
Any takers?
BTW the rest of the above linked CBS article is your standard Cuba story non-story, making CBS News the second member of the MSM to lay a big wet one smack dab between castros hairy cheeks.

23 thoughts on “Im taking bets right now.”

  1. Val, I’m on the betting side that he’s now below room temperature, and has been for several weeks/months probably.
    This farce has gone on now for so long that in a few short weeks it will have been “ONE YEAR” that this double-assholed-prick will not have been seen in public – considering all the fanfare about HOW WELL HE’S DOING for the past 12 months.

  2. nico,
    You got it.
    What I dont get is how anyone could believe the guy is alive – despite all evidence to the contrary. Hell, even if castro were seniole and incoherent, all the government has to do is stand him in front of a window for a minute, even if propping him up from behind a curtain. thats it. 30 seconds from a window where the people and press can see with their own eyes that the bastard is still alive, yet they havent done that. And the only reason I can think of for this omission is that he is already stone cold dead. there is absolutely no other reason why the cuban government hant done this.

  3. oye do this for charity or something… set up some sort of “futures contract” like they do at set a bid and asking price for this contract, PUN INTENDED!! winkwinknudgenudge, and in the end it goes to whatever charity you feel like giving it to..

  4. Indeed, I think it’s rather obvious that he is no more. The lack of an appearance on May Day, coupled with no new photographs or recordings pretty much says it all.

  5. How about double or nothing for the t-shirt you still owe me for the Super Bowl pick?
    While I wish he were dead, it would be too hard to hide for this long. But maybe not. You on?

  6. Val, I could not have agreed more with you. If he is as well as they say and he is taking back duties, making phone calls, etc., then why has he not appeared in public? Unfortunately, we all know who this dickhead is and what he craves – attention. Why hasn’t he come out and stuck it to us – the Miami Mafia? He just missed a great opportunity – May 1. There were hundreds of thousands of Cubans marching on the streets that day. The international press was tentively watching what was going to happen. What better opportunity was that? Make an appearance and have all of the Cubans out there chanting your name and have the international press catch the moment.
    We all know that that is the kind of shit he craves. If he was mentally ok or alive, that is what would have happened. As everyone saw last week, the truth is coming out slowly (i.e. It was said last week that there were multiple surgeries done on him). We all knew that months ago and now is when it comes out. Slowly, but surely the truh will come out !!

  7. I’m not one to believe in psychics, but for what it’s worth, there was a guy on either A Mano Limpia or Polos Opuestos, I can’t remember which, that predicted several months ago that the man would die on July 4, 2007. Val must have seen that show as well, or perhaps he can really see the future. I sure hope the later is true!

  8. You posted that the shirts were out and you were getting more in I think. So double or nothin?

  9. I’ll cast my vote for “already dead and stinkin’ up the joint.” Nevertheless, that may be no more than wishful thinking on my part.
    Out of curiosity, Val, why did you pick July 4th as the “drop dead” date??

  10. Val I whole-heartedly agree with you. His ass was probably cremated, or if not he’s in a freezer somewhere, waiting to be thawed out when the time is right to give the news.. I say “hurry the F*ck up!” I got like a bunch of Montecristo NO.5s & Fuente OpusX plus two big ass champagne bottles ready for the celebration. SO YA COJONE! YA ES TIEMPO!

  11. littlegator, that’s independence day, plus come on dude what’d be better to have the announcement of Castro’s death upon the release of the live-action TRANSFORMERS movie. That’ll make my day, no my year..nah my LIFE!

  12. I believe that he, like Generalisimo Franco, is still dead. I’m curious, though, when they decide to reveal that he is, in fact, a dictatorsicle, how his body will lie in state- can they refrigerate the coffin? Will he just be on a slab of ice? Will everyone who comes to pay respects be given an Israeli gas mask? I think they will wait until Bush is out of office to make the announcement, so that we evil imperialists won’t race down to Cuba and take over the country. Everyone knows that Hillary would never do that.

  13. For all intent and purposes fifo is dead. I just wonder who’s wipping his ass and cleaning his barf. Besides, with the situation in Cuba, chances are little brother may go first.

  14. To those of you who say that castro isn’t dead, becuase it would be too hard to hide that news for long, I got a question: since when has the mainstream media cared about telling the truth about what goes on in Cuba? They repeat VERBATIM the regime’s lies. So, if the regime says that Castro is healthy, and blogging and writing on his computer all day and taking telephone calls 24/7 and getting stronger and healthier by the minute, even though no body has seen him [except of course, Hugo Chavez, Chinese diplomats, Evo Morales and Raul], they will repeat it without changing a word. Kind of what they are doing now. No? So, yes, I think that he is dead and of course, the aquiescent, weak and capitulating media is playing along with the regime.

  15. Everyone, I, too, believe former-King Fidel I is long, long dead (frozen, cremated, buried, I don’t care) and that the truth is being kept from everyone. As far as a possible succession, I would argue that (for argument’s sake, let’s assume fifo had authority to delegate his “presidential” duties) when fifo gave his little brother raulita provisional power back on 31 July 2006 which was stated in the document that the powers were only until 2 Dec 2006, this maked Cuba a country without any head of state at all since that date. There is in fact a complete void of powere in Cuba. What I believe is that they are taking this time to prepare a believable body-double that can be presented to Cuba and the world.

  16. Ray.
    let me add to your first comment: not only have members of the MSM historically catered their news coverage to please the dictatorship, but have any one of those no in Havana – any one – actually gotten proof of life and reported it? All they have forwarded have been photos and videos and editorials given them by the cuban government. For all intents and purposes, what good is that?
    like I said earlier, all it would take for the Cuban governmnet to prove the veracity of their claims that fidel is still alive is a 30 second appearance at any window by the old geezer.And that’s it.
    I would think that if fidel castro is able to write such lucid editorials and meet with foreign dignitaries in privates, that he could amble his way over to a window or balcony, stick his head out and wave. It aint rocket science. Thats why I think the cuban governmnet is lying and castro is dead, because if they could have done the aforementioned, they would have done it already.
    i mean seriously, when in its history has the castro regime passed up an oppurtunity to dispel rumors of the coma-andantes demise – and stick it to the Miami mafia and the imperialists yanquis – by making a very newsworthy, very public appearance by the old goat?
    Again, until I see physical evidence with my own eyes, I simply cant believe what the regime is saying.

  17. Let’s wait till July 26 and see if the Cuban government do their version of “Weekend at Bernie’s” with fifo.

  18. The real problem is raulito’s negotiations with Satan, Inc. are not going well. The Devil drives a hard bargain and he ain’t ready to pull the bearded ass down the shaft.
    Let’s have a little Sympathy for The Devil.

  19. One other thing to consider. Foreign journalists on the island have already begun to receive unofficial information regarding protocol for Castro’s death and burial in the Sierra’s. There’s a strong clue for you.

  20. Are these guys for real? Do they really believe that if they are buried in a MARKED grave in La Sierra Maestra they will lie there UNDISTURBED for EVER?

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