Ajiaco Linkfest for a Rainy Day

It’s nasty outside today here in Miami which makes it a perfect day for a nice steaming bowl of blog ajiaco:
“I wish that we could imprison the owner of a media outlet. With much pleasure we would give him a life sentence for lying, for confusing the people.”
Venezuelan TV: A Control Remono.
The week the Bolivarian Revolution died.
The American Library Association, the Princeton Public Library and rosy colored spectacles.
The revolution will be Youtube-ized.
After eight years in Havana, Anita Snow finally goes on the Cuban diet.
How do you say “Lip service” in Gallego?
Vietnam: the NVA and fidel castro.
Beware of guys in hats with big bellies.

2 thoughts on “Ajiaco Linkfest for a Rainy Day”

  1. Oh, I wouldn’t call the Spain-Cuba “human rights talks” lip service. I’d call it going through the motions, and these people have been practicing these slithering moves a LONG time. Talk about dirty dancing.

  2. In Gallego you’d probably say it different than in Spanish.
    Not to nitpick, but being the daughter of a true Gallego I really hate that this term is used for all people coming from Spain.
    that’s my rant for today.

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