che Chic, Peruvian style (Updated)

Update Sunday night, June 24, by Pitbull: It seems that Cameron Diaz has apologized to Peruvians for the Mao bag. Dear, here’s a hint: READ A FUCKING BOOK ABOUT THE COUNTRY YOU ARE VISITING. Then maybe you’ll understand why Peruvians are pissed off when you have a bag that reminds them of 70,000 dead thanks to the ever-compassionate and tolerant left. Moron.
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Hollywood celebrities love to show how leftwing and ‘dangerous’ they are by wearing communist parapharnelia. Carlos Santana, who showed up in a che tshirt at the Emmy Awards, is a prime example. But these jackasses abound all over the entertainment industry, as Tren Blindado‘s famous Hollywood photo gallery shows. There’s no real risk in it for them to do this, because they are all leftwing and like to feel righteous. If they really had a taste for risk, they’d wear a rightwing tshirt with Ronald Reagan’s picture on it. But they don’t. They always opt for the cheap leftism of communist ‘revolutions as they prance around the world.
It’s a funny thing being a Hollywood celebrity. They live cossetted lives with all the spas, liposuction, yoga, stylists, Guatemalan maids, wheatgrass juice, publicists, dance clubs, bodyguards, botox, toe polishing, life coaches, plastic surgeons, psychiatrists, gurus, Mexican gardeners, and Colombian cocaine they can snort. I live near it, so I know what they’re like. They have luxury out the wazoo. Dog psychologists! Dog yoga! Dog walkers! Dog plastic surgery! Malibu! Santa Monica! Beverly Hills! It’s all here!
So they like to get down and dirty with the masses when they can. They don’t fly to package-tour places like Cancun with all the hoi polloi. Yet Gstaad and Aspen get boring. No, they need to show they’re green, they’re hip, they’re daring, they’re “serious,” they’re ‘authentic,’ and so they fly to wild places most of us can only dream of. In the 60s they used to head for Marrakesh and Bali, but they’ve since gotten Cancuned with Australians and Eurabians and therefore are out. So now some go to India. Some go to the Maldives. Some do the Africa thing, adopting some unfortunate kid who’s about to become even more unfortunate as a celebrity arm decoration. Some go to Chile, a big favorite with the greensters, and still others go to Macchu Pichu, which, (because it has a little-known luxury resort attached), is big too.
Like Cameron Diaz.


Source: Hot Air

This moron went down to Machu Picchu to play Indian, get in touch with Mother Earth, errr, that’s Pachamama to us, and become one of these adopt-an-Indians the way some idiot whites do, wanting to feel all that nostalgie de la boue as Tom Wolfe put it in ‘Radical Chic.’ There they claim epiphanies, saying that life is simpler, easier, more superior than the days of life with toilet paper. Diaz even wanted to make a whole lot of money from it, pontificating about the superiority of the Andean Indians in an upcoming ‘documentary’ she was making to show her Joliesque ‘seriousness.’
It’s nothing but a fraud.
Cameron Diaz showed up in all her safari-costume glory in Macchu Pichu — sporting a Maoist communist Chinese bag right in the faces of the Peruvian locals! She probably thought it was cute. It wasn’t.
Peruvians are all too familiar with the deadly legacy of Maoism. They lost 70,000 people to Maoist terror and its wars, because a local guerrilla group, the Sendero Luminoso, took its Marxist inspiration, and funding from Generalissimo Mao Tse Tung of the People’s Republic Of China. The Shining Path brought two decades of fear and destruction to Peru’s highlands, all so these wire-eyeglassed city intellectuals with hearts as cold as stone could play guerrilla in the mountains, castro-style, and terrorize every last Peruvian. Peruvians were blown up, maimed, attacked and indoctrinated by this vile crew, winning only their nation’s universal hatred. The Maoists are still so hated in Peru that this country actually elected a dictator, Alberto Fujimori, just to get rid of these Marxist scum. They were that bad off!
But an ordeal like that is wholly unknown to the likes of Cameron Diaz, who hold the strange fascination the international left has with glorifying, pop-tartifying Mao, a deadly dictator whose image has, a la che, been put on shaving mugs, tshirts, bookbags, bumperstickers, posters, jackknives, bathrobes – in fact, whole restaurants have been cutesily modeled on him as the decor. That he killed 40 million of his own Chinese people through starvation, murder, overwork, torture and terror is irrelevant, because all that matters to Diaz is the cool dangerous-looking wild Kordalike image of the creep and his message now spread onto her bag, which bore a mocking Maoist slogan ‘Serve The People.’
Peruvians, to their credit, refused to put up with that, and told this stupid woman that she was hauling around one very unpopular bookbag with a commie slogan on it. They had had enough of Mao and told her that if she lived in the time of Mao, she’d be picking sorghums on some Chicom collective farm as punishment for her Western decadence, assuming she survived the privation. She’d listen to indoctrination on the loudspeakers in the field or worse yet, be harvesting ‘night soil’ for the next planting. Little wonder then, that her Mao bag bombed with Peruvians.
In the words of one Peruvian:

“It alludes to a concept that did so much damage to Peru, that brought about so many victims. I don’t think she should have used that bag where the followers of that ideology did so much damage.”

The Peruvians set her straight, but think of what a rotten message she was sending to Peruvians from the states. She showed up there with a Mao bag, and some Peruvians must have thought ‘all’ Americans were as vapid as she was. This is where Ugly American legends come from. Like their cousins the Sandalistas, Ugly Americans – Al Gore, who insulted President Uribe of Colombia is another – are uniquely insensitive to the evils of communism and want to shove all the la-la land fantasy of its radical-chic ‘statements’ onto real places that have experienced the horror up close.
When will these Hollywood leftwing jerks ever learn?

12 thoughts on “che Chic, Peruvian style (Updated)”

  1. The saddest part to me is that Ms. Diaz gets her last name from her CUBAN father. You’d think she’d at least have a little bit more sensitivity. =(
    Beautifully and eloquently written, Mora.

  2. THE WORSE IS YET TO COME: Please correct me if I am wrong but isnt true that Ms. Commi bag toting hollywood-ite es una Cubana? How can a freaking Cubana wear such a bag knowing that communism is a mental dosorder?!?!?!?!?!?!

  3. I don’t know how Cuban she considers herself- her dad’s family came here in 1898 from the Spanish-American War. I’m thinking she has lost touch with her roots- and reality.
    I have been to Peru several times to see family- but not before Fujimori eradicated el Sendero Luminoso. He was a puppet president whose strings were being pulled by the crooked Montesinos, but one of them gets the credit for getting rid of Sendero Luminoso “mastermind,” Abimael Guzman, and literally sending him up the river in a cell on a raft to show the people he had been captured.
    At one point, Peru was 2nd to Beirut in terrorist attacks, by the time I made my first trip in 1994, it was less than 1%.
    Cameron Diaz is a ditz and I expect nothing less from her or other Hollywood types- let’s put trendy above meaning! YAYYYYY.

  4. I don’t think that Cameron Diaz’s Cuban roots are that far removed [1898]. Actually, while her father was born in Tampa, her grandparents are in deed Cuban born and she must have some family left behind in Cuba [like we all do]. What is disturbing is that she has said in interviews that her father is very proud of being Cuban in a “why the hell is he proud of that??” tone. Obviously, Diaz is a total airhead. She is totally indifferent to Cuba. It’s sad.

  5. Ray:
    I’m just stating what I read in Latina magazine in an interview with her some years ago, they made a point of saying how long her dad’s family had been “Americans.”

  6. Cameron Diaz es tan comemierda como Lori Berenson. Las dos tienen tremendo mojon sentado en la silla turca del cerebro.

  7. Claudia,
    I would take Latina Magazine like a grain of salt. I’ve repeatedly read in other publications that her grandparents were born in Cuba. She has gone on record saying that her father is very proud of being Cuban. The problem is Cameron herself. Don’t forget that she was born in California far away from all Cuban Americans. Perhaps if she had been born in Miami, or Tampa she would have a different attitude. Add to that her natural shallowness and you have someone who is not only detached from her roots, but also indifferent.

  8. I’ve noticed that all of these “Hollywood” people way left of left are loaded with mula. $$$$
    It’s easy to be leftist with money. Why not just give 50% of your dollar worth to the poor?? I pay no attention at all to the folks. Singers should shut up and sing and actors should just go about being someone they’re not, and get paid for it. It’s not like they’re “smart” you know.

  9. For all practical purposes, the Cuban ancestry of Ms. Diaz is strictly a technicality. In other words, it means nothing to her, and she’s definitely not about to “taint” herself by saying or doing a damn thing on behalf of Cuba’s freedom. That’s never been fashionable in Hollywood, and she’s all about her career, such as it is.
    I know her appallingly shallow, clueless airhead behavior is totally par for the course and typical of her kind, but the fact she’s technically half Cuban only makes me feel more contempt for her.

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