4 thoughts on “Uh, Tango”

  1. Yeah! Sort of like… Hillary’s 1969 Senior Thesis being locked away during the 8 years of Bill “I didn’t have sex with that woman” Clinton’s presidency.

  2. 2 million pages??!!?!??
    alabao! took her using that many trees to handle the bimbo eruptions & smear machine
    que vieja mas repugnante y asquerosa; tiene una voz chillona que no hay quien se la meta …. well, no pun intended, y’all

  3. The media recently revealed that while at college, the foot-loose Hillary had a sexual fling with another student one weekend. Then it was revealed that he later appeared as Secretary of Labor in Clinton’s first cabinet. If elected president, I wonder how many other lovers she will sinecure into her administration.

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