My WaPo Letter

Since it appears the Washington Post is going to refuse to publish any letters regarding the bigoted cartoon the published a few days ago I thought I’d post my letter here.

Dear editor,
In reference to the Pat Oliphant cartoon published by The Post on August 24th, I think it’s interesting that Cuban-Americans are the only minority group in America that can be mocked and ridiculed without any repercussions for those doing the mocking and the ridiculing. Perhaps it’s because Cuban-Americans are the only minority or immigrant group that tends to be conservative. Perhaps it’s because Cuban-Americans are the most successful immigrant group, economically and politically, in the history of the country. Or perhaps it’s because Cubans had the temerity to leave the land of “great and free” health care and education to come here to “suffer”. Regardless of the reason, it’s obviously open season on Cuban-Americans. That’s OK, we haven’t needed help from the media or the liberal establishment in this country to date. I doubt we we will be needing it in the future.
Henry Gomez

6 thoughts on “My WaPo Letter”

  1. I sent them a letter too. As did several of my friends. I’m not sure why, since it obviously was a waste of electrons.
    It really is a pity our Cuban American US Senator has not deemed it fit to make a comment regarding that hateful cartoon.

  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the senator(s) are out of the country, thanking the Czechs for their support of democracy in Cuba. Wait until they get back and get caught up on the news, then take them to task if they don’t at least condemn the cartoon.

  3. Henry, there’s one point I would slightly disagree with you on and that is “Cuban-Americans are the only minority or immigrant group that tends to be conservative”. There is one other group which are conservative that you perhaps over looked but not as vocal politically perhaps as Cuban-Americans and those are the South Vietnamese Americans who were raped by the horrors of communism as well. Other than that, you are right on target my brother.

  4. The only way to get these folks to publish our letter is to PAY FOR IT. I suggest we do the research. Half a page maybe? How much? Which section? On the Sunday paper for sure. Let’s have the Babalu writers choose THE letter. Let’s find out how much and then we can all contribute accordingly.

  5. I totally agree with Jewbana. Paying for the letter could be the next BUCL campaign, or serve as one. The impact would be well worth the money. Let’s DO IT.

  6. Gotta agree with Felix. I grew up in a neighborhood where a lot of Boat People ended up, and I was used to people talking Vietnamese around me at school. I’d have five kids in my class named Nguyen almost every year of elementary, none of them related.
    I am revealing my age here, but suffice it to say, most of these kids were first-generation immigrants, whose first memories involved fleeing Communists.

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