The Washington Post vs. Humberto Fontova?

Get the body bag ready for the WaPo:

With this in mind I invite you to examine an editorial cartoon run last week by this hyper-sensitive guardian of liberal sensibilities, by this vigilante, prosecutor, and judge for anything printed, spoken, or whispered that could conceivably imply a derogatory quality to any conceivable ethnic group:
Note that a smiling Uncle Sam insults an American ethnic group as “nuisances” while forcibly expelling them from the nation in a rickety boat titled “Cuban-Americans,” while these scowling, elderly and Mafiosi-clad people scream “we demand a chance to interfere with the ’08 election!”
By “interfere” we have to assume the cartoonist refers to the right, privilege and duty bestowed upon U.S. citizens known as “voting.” It so happens that the cartoonist, Pat Oliphant, is himself an immigrant to this country. In an interview with Time magazine he admitted to “leaning Democratic” in his politics.
I now invite you to contemplate the reaction from the usual political-correctness police had any other U.S. ethnic group (except overwhelmingly Republican Cuban-Americans) inhabited that boat. Imagine the fire and brimstone (literal, perhaps) if instead of Fedoras (rarely worn by Cuban-Americans, by the way) the group had worn kuffiyeh’s, burkha’s and chadors!
Imagine the clamor and attempted extortions followed by craven apologies and grovelings if the boat’s passengers had been “nappy-headed” and headed for Africa! Imagine the rallies in Los Angeles and the indignant blusterings by California politicians and Nancy Pelosi if they’d worn sombreros!

OUCH. Read the whole thing and watch the Washington Post get KO’d.

12 thoughts on “The Washington Post vs. Humberto Fontova?”

    A poundin’, pummulin’, n beatin’ SO BAD, you couldn’t help but get the feeling of ‘looking away’ from the gore that rag just took.

  2. It’s a great piece, and more power to it, but everybody knows all this, starting with the Washington Post. They’re perfectly OK with being blatant hypocrites. It’s double-standard time, again. None of their fiends mind in the least. It’s just “those people” in Miami, after all, who are NOT a “protected” minority–quite the contrary.
    Unfortunately, this situation is very much like the old Lily Tomlin skit with her as Ernestine the phone operator, whose standard reply to customer complaints was “We don’t care. We don’t have to.”

  3. Humberto Fontova is a prime example of why the WaPo does not like Cuban Americans. It’s because He does not fit their stereotype, he’s smart, well educated, not dependent on welfare and handouts, holds his head up high for good reason, and can kick their racists behinds with facts and not with hysterics. Great Job! You make us all proud. Keep kicking those racists behinds!!!!

  4. Does this act of racism condoned by the Washington Post surprise anyone? It certainly does not surprise me. This type of deceptive and unprincipled action is typical of the liberal press. Dishonesty and deception is a vitue for these people. They thrive on wickedness and malignity. That is why they are knowned for being extraordinary hateful. Just one more day in the life of a liberal. Caca es caca aunque le hechen una botella de perfume.

  5. Right you are O. Cubana. WaPo doesn’t like Cuban Americans because Cuban americans just don’t make good victims that the leftist elites can exploit. Who needs an immigrant population who reject government handouts, most of whom have come here with nothing, have made something of themselves through sweat and hardwork, who pass the same values and work ethic on to their children and grandchildren, and (heaven forbid) have assimilated in to the American culture? What kind of society needs that? Certainly not the Washington Post’s.

  6. This whole thing has been bugging me since it came out. Fontova’s piece is simply strong…very strong.

  7. Well, Cubans aren’t a race, so technically, you couldn’t say this is “racist.” Still, I’m going to use the term as shorthand for “prejudice against a group of people.” Some might say this cartoon isn’t racist because it’s only directed against Cuban Americans, not Cubans in general. But think again. When Cuban Americans exercise their right to vote, it’s considered “interfering in the elections.” But what about Cubans in Cuba, whom the Left claims to love so much? Well, apparently, they can’t be trusted to vote, either. And the man who keeps them from voting is regarded as a kindly master (or “massa”) who knows what’s best for his slaves, and also knows that slaves aren’t capable of deciding what’s best for themselves. So, I guess we Cubans should just shut up and leave politics to those who know better. Sounds pretty racist to me.

  8. Hmm well, apparently the system has a problem with apostrophes and quotation marks. So here is my post again, sans both…
    Well, Cubans are not a race, so technically, you could not say this is racist. Still, I will use the term as shorthand for prejudice against a group of people. Some might say this cartoon is not racist because it is only directed against Cuban Americans, not Cubans in general. But think again. When Cuban Americans exercise their right to vote, it is considered interfering in the elections. But what about Cubans in Cuba, whom the Left claims to love so much? Well, apparently, they cannot be trusted to vote, either. And the man who keeps them from voting is regarded as a kindly master (or massa) who knows what is best for his slaves, and also knows that slaves are not capable of deciding what is best for themselves. So, I guess we Cubans should just shut up and leave politics to those who know better. Sounds pretty racist to me.

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