Our old pal Usama bin Laden, freshly coiffed and tinted, released a new tape, and who he does he go after, in addition to the eeeeevvvvvvvviiiiiillllllllll neocons? The Democrats! Check this out:
People of America: the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven’t made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there. [My emphasis]
And if we stop the war, what then? Will you rescind your declaration of war against the West? This would be the stuff of great paraody and satire were it not such a serious threat to ALL Americans, even those fools who do not believe there is a threat. He concludes by making this offer:
[…]I invite you to embrace Islam. There are no taxes in Islam, but rather there is a limited Zakaat [alms] totaling 2.5 percent.
Thanks, but no thanks. Read the whole thing here.
Converting to Islam may or may not be a good thing, but after 48 years of despair and lack of success in toppling castro y su pandilla it would not be a bad idea for some of us Cuban Americans to convert to islam . Allah only knows that after such conversion WE COULD GO UNDERCOVER TO CUBA AS SUICIDE BOMBERS para acabar con aquello
I hope they all fall in pig shit and die, and I personally will fight to the death before I’d convert to their cult of death.
Nothing personal Abajo but I really don’t think Cubans need suicide bombers blowing them up. Do you?
Ziva , what has worked in the last 48 years? Nada
What wiill work for the next 48 if we remain unchallenged …nada
I am open to new ideas..
Nah!!! you know it wouldn’t work, the same government that has prosecuted and imprisoned many of our compatriotas for trying to fight for the freedom of our motherland, would readily intervene and lock us up in a Super Max. It’s a damned shame, but nevertheless, it’s a painful fact.
Fantomas, what part of Santiago are you from? I’m from barrio Moncada, about five blocks North of Enramada’s El Encanto store, my family’s biz was in Pio Rosado (a.k.a. Calle Carniceria) less than one block (~ 4/5ths) North of El Encanto.
Abajo I’m going to assume you are joking, because if not, you are an idiot.
Ziva easy, we are all in this together, it is Friday night, have a beer or something , maybe a glass of wine
if you have any additional questions e mail me in private I seem to handle it better that way
Angel I am from the heart of Santiago
10 meters from Parque Cespedes
Sorry E, I just don’t find the idea of suicide bombing funny, especially after all the denigrating shit Cubans have been subjected to lately. I’m on PDT so I’m still at work. When I get home I’m definitely going to have a drink.
Did any one notice that Bin Laden mentioned
Chomsky that strange left wing linguist
Hasta Bin Laden se da cuenta que los politicos liberales no sirven ….. amazing.
Not unusual at all, Larry. He’s playing to his audience: appeasers, socialists, leftists, liberals, cowards, pussies. You know: the Democrat Party…