The facts

Regardless of how many times a lie is repeated:

In October of last year a Democratic pollster took a poll of Cuban-Americans for a Democratic organization.

The results of that poll showed that:

a. Cuban Americans are much more likely to be registered voters if they arrived before 1980 (92% vs. 43% for those that came after).

b. Cuban-Americans are overwhelmingly registered as Republicans (72% vs. 11% Democrat and 17% Independent).

c. The Cuban-Americans that came before 1980 are even more likely to be registered Republican (81% vs. 8% Democrat and 11% Independent).

d. Even among those that came after 1980, a solid majority (61%) are Republican (vs. just 13% Democrat and 21% Independent).

In conclusion, even the more recent arrivals are much more likely (4.7 times more likely, to precise) to register Republican. Not only that, they are 60% more likely to register Independent than Democrat.

Check back with me on election day in November 2008. I’m sure there will be much pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth among those spokespersons for the Jackass party. But they will have another four years to repeat the lie and hope it becomes truth.

7 thoughts on “The facts”

  1. Henry:

    My voting patterns do not fit the demographics of how Cuban-Americans usually vote.
    Since 1976, I have voted Democrat, Republican twice, Independent once, Democrat and Republican again.
    I do not vote party but try to pick the one candidate that (IMHO) is the best one suited for the job. I have been happiest with Ron Reagan as President and least happy with ‘W’.

  2. That’s fine. The post was in response to the well-traveled myth that the Republicans are losing ground among Cubans. The reality is that the (D) party is competing with (I) not (R). And that competition is for a distant second place. Most people do vote with their party affiliation in general elections.

  3. That’s fine. The post was in response to the well-traveled myth that the Republicans are losing ground among Cubans. The reality is that the (D) party is competing with (I) not (R). And that competition is for a distant second place. Most people do vote with their party affiliation in general elections.

  4. That’s fine. The post was in response to the well-traveled myth that the Republicans are losing ground among Cubans. The reality is that the (D) party is competing with (I) not (R). And that competition is for a distant second place. Most people do vote with their party affiliation in general elections.

  5. That’s fine. The post was in response to the well-traveled myth that the Republicans are losing ground among Cubans. The reality is that the (D) party is competing with (I) not (R). And that competition is for a distant second place. Most people do vote with their party affiliation in general elections.

  6. Hi Henry:

    I forgot to say “Congratulations” on the birth of your twins! Felicidades y cuanda puedas ensenanos sus fotos!

  7. Bottom Line –

    Cuban + Ethnic Americans Know the Price of Freedom – Buried in the Ground. /sorta, kinda channeling CSN+Y -S- P.S. Lousy source which is why I left OUT the other half of the lyric.

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