From George at, comes this communication to Dr. Darsi Ferrer sent by the student movement in Venezuela that played such an important role in defeating chavez’s attempt to legislate his way into a perpetual dictatorship. Below are two letters from student organizations in Venezuela directed to Darsi that I translated into English for our non-Spanish speaking friends.
Dr. Darsi Ferrer:
My name is Maria Margarita Rodriguez Weil, and I am president of the Center for Education Students at the Andres Bello Catholic University. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations for the struggle you have undertaken and offer you our humble and sincere support for everything you have done. The largest and best struggles are long-term endeavors, and for that reason I would like to offer you my support in anything I can do.
Thank you for including us in this opportunity and please write if you need anything.
Maria Margarita
Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez,
We, the Student Movement, would like to thank you for your support and attention to the events that the students and Venezuela have lived through these past few days.
We know that you understand what we are living through at this moment, and for that reason we would like to offer you our most sincere support, and since we are cognizant of our own situation as students, we would like to join you in your struggle from our humble classrooms because our most potent weapon has been knowledge, and we want to continue raising the voice of reason to all the corners of the world we are able to reach.
The students say yes to liberty, yes to justice, yes to reconciliation, yes to equality, and yes to peace.
The Student Movement of Venezuela
I could not stress enough how important and huge this synergistic union can become between those who are fighting to maintain Venezuela free, and those who are fighting to bring freedom to Cuba. In the end, chavez’s ambitious scheme to create a “Cubazuela” and export Cuba’s totalitarian system to his own country may end up flipping on him and exporting Venezuela’s ever growing democratic movement to Cuba.
Below the fold you can read the original letters in Spanish.
Dr. Darsi Ferrer,
Mi nombre es María Margarita Rodríguez Weil, soy la presidenta del Centro
de Estudiantes de Educación de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
Quiero, en esta oportunidad, hacerle llegar mis felicitaciones por esta
lucha que emprenden y enviarle un humilde, pero sincero apoyo a todo lo
que ustedes están realizando. Las grandes y mejores luchas son a largo
plazo y por eso quiero ofrecerle mi apoyo siempre que pueda.
Gracias por incluirnos en esta oportunidad y escríbame siempre que lo
María Margarita
Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramírez,
Nosotros, el Movimiento Estudiantil, queremos agradecer su apoyo y
atención por los acontecimientos que hemos vividos los estudiantes y
Venezuela entera en estos últimos días.
Sabemos que ustedes entienden lo que nosotros estamos viviendo en estos
momentos, por eso queremos ofrecerles nuestro más sincero apoyo y como
estamos conscientes de nuestra condición de estudiantes queremos unirnos a
su lucha desde nuestras humildes aulas de clase, porque nuestra mejor arma
ha sido el conocimiento y queremos seguir elevando la voz de la razón a
todos los rincones que somos capaces de alcanzar.
Los estudiantes dicen sí a la libertad, sí a la justicia, sí a la
reconciliación, sí a la igualdad y sí a la paz.
Movimiento Estudiantil de Venezuela
Ojala Alberto el Lunes 10 nos ayuden los estudiantes a marchar frente a la embajada de Cuba en Caracas , ojala …pray for it