Why I may have to hold my nose when I vote on November 4

The other day I was asked the hypothetical question of who was a better choice: Hillary or Obama. My answer is simple I will never, ever, ever, never, ever, never, never vote for a Democrat again as long as I draw a breath. As I jokingly wrote in a comment last week, if the Democrat candidate is Hillary or Obama (or Jesus Christ for that matter) and the Republican candidate is a one-legged, lobotomized, feces-throwing chimpanzee wearing glasses, I’ll vote for the chimp every time.

I’ve made my position very clear about my dissatisfaction with Dubya on many issues. While he has been better than I would have hoped, he has mightily disappointed me on a whole bunch of issues — not the least of which is the evil adherence to the wet-foot/dry-foot policy of his predecessor. We conservatives can be a singularly unhappy lot because we live in the real world and do not drink Kool-Aid. We call them as we see them and are not shy about expressing our anger at our party’s leadership (read), or about supporting someone who then or now could not win the nomination (read) but was the candidate who held core conservative principles.

That is why I am worried about a McCain candidacy. I think it would be a disaster for the Republican Party. I’d be very upset to have to hold my nose and vote for him. Why? He is not a conservative. Plain and simple. He may pretend to be one, he may talk the talk, he may even have some conservative bona fides, but he isn’t a conservative. You want just two reasons? McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy. The Great One, Mark Levin has a great piece today on McCain in National Review Online where he pretty much echoes my sentiments on McCain. Levin correctly states the reasons why McCain IS NOT a conservative. Read Levin and you’ll see why I am very wary of this coming November.

23 thoughts on “Why I may have to hold my nose when I vote on November 4”

  1. Sadly, there’s no real conservative running. Duncan Hunter came closest to the real thing, but he had no chance, and he’s gone now. Didn’t Thompson support McCain/Feingold?

  2. “Didn’t Thompson support McCain/Feingold?” I don’t think so. Maybe someone from his campaign can drop me or Henry a line regarding this issue. If he did, I’d be very disappointed…

  3. George, not only is McCain not a conservative, it is my opinion that only a true conservative will beat Hillary in Novemeber. Obviously, I am not a happy camper.

  4. By yall’s definition, Ike, Nixon, and Ford would not be “true conservatives” either, Yet I’m sure all of us if we were of legal voting age back then would have voted for them rather than for Stevenson, JFK, Humphrey, McGovern, and Carter.
    The rhetorical question “who is the true conservative” … is akin to the old SNL skit, “quien es mas macho? Yak Lord” o Lloyd Bridges?”
    The question is more akin to what are the core conservative values that are important to me and which candidate holds these values that I can support.
    As I’ve stated, for me:
    1) pro business growth and low taxes;
    2) reduce government spending and waste
    3) strong military
    4) tough on crime
    5) homeland security
    6) personal freedom free of government intrusion.
    7) strong fighting terrorism
    8) pro Israel
    the dems philosphy is
    1) anti business; raise taxes
    2) increase govt. prgrams and spending
    3) weaken the military
    4) let’s give the criminals a break; it’s the police that’s evil
    5) open the borders; release the gitmo folks; they aren’t bad, just misunderstood; it’s America’s fault
    6) we want the right to smoke weed and gay marriage, but we must ban smoking everywhere, we must ban unhealthy foods; and everything that is not politically correct; and ban the military, and ban globalism and starbucks;
    7) they are freedom fighters and heroic. it’s our fault they hate us.
    8) zionist hoodlems
    So I agree with George in the sense that I cannot vote with any of the current dems. I would rather vote for a chimp or yogi bear before I would vote for Hillary or O’Bama. Hillary is Palpatine in Drag and O’Bama is a harvard educated socialist.
    The reality of politics is compromise. One can stick to a pure ideology and in reality you end up doing nothing. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Civil RIghts Act of 1991 were passed because of the GOP. LBJ signed the act but Richard Nixon desegregated the public schools.
    Helms Burton law; written by GOP; signed by Dem prez.
    Sticking to pure ideology and never wavering results in deadlock and nothing gets done.
    At the end of the day, I will support whomever the GOP candidate is McCain, ROmney, Rudy, etc. (except Huckster).
    I supported and worked for GWB in both campaigns not becuase I thought he was the next Reagan, but because the alternative was scary.
    Could you imagine President Kerry? geesh ….
    I don’t think O’Hillary or O’Bama can win on a national scale beyond their core groups and the liberal NE elites. 😀

  5. I just love Mark Levin. I’ve been a Levinite since I first heard of him in 2000 coming out strong defending the Cuban-American community from relentless attacks on us from the libs and msm during Elian. He was one of the few out there putting out the legal case for Elian to stay and pointing out the illegality of the Clinton Administration actions. I read this new article from Mark and I think he is right on. If anyone is interested in listening to him, he is on 610 WIOD on tape delay from 9-11pm. If you want to listen to Mark live, his show is from 6-8pm and can be listened to on http://www.wabcradio.com His own website is at: http://www.marklevinshow.com/index1.php

  6. Chuck Norris claims that McCain may be too old . . . I’d vote for a McCain with Alzheimer’s over Hillary any day. I have a great essay I lifted from The American Thinker on Hillary posted at my blog. Sorry, I can’t seem to cut and past url to this comment section. Take a gander (dated 2 days ago). She is scary, very, very scary.

  7. George, I agree that McCain is terrible. But I’ll vote for him if he’s the Republican nominee, because the Democrats are worse. I too am depressed about the election.

  8. Mike, I’ll vote for whoever the (R)s put against the (D)s, with some exceptions. Nixon was not a conservative, yet, he was worlds better than Humphrey or (Gott in Himmel!) McGovern. Does that make his policies any better?

  9. Cigar Mike,
    Given a choice between a RINO and a donkey, I’ll vote for the RINO, but I’d rather vote for a true conservative, and in this bunch of candidates, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, the next Reagan. BTW, didn’t Nixon give us the EPA and affirmative action?

  10. However, McCain or especially a McCain /Lieberman ticket has a far greater chance of winning.
    Especially as soon as the Hillary cutting cane for Castro pictures come out.

  11. Cigar Mike:
    Clinton nodding appears to be the effects of barbiturates. He couldn’t even stay awake with all that hollering. I laughed when he looked at his watch to see how long the speech had lasted. Excellent posting.

  12. Larry,
    I’ve been hearing about these rumors for years. Is there any proof that Hillary was in Cuba in the 1970’s, working for the agragrian revolution?

  13. I heard those rumors and seen mention of them, but if Hillary was in Cuba, she sure covered those tracks. I’ll vote for whoever the R candidate is, I will never vote for a demorat.

  14. No, there’s no evidence of that; they did put Johnetta Cole, President of Spelman College, and former chief of the Venceremos Brigade (exactly
    the type that would cut cane, and in some cases get some Weatherman explosives training on the side)to their Education Department transition team. McCain’s more than a little of a disa-
    pointment; he and his associates were tortured by a clique of the Cuban regimes torturers like the one named “Fidel” reputedly a high official in the Health Ministry. And there was no ‘water
    -boarding’ more like the kind of things depicted in Chuck Norris’s Missing in Action films, back when he wasn’t a shill for the likes of Huckabee.
    Now, if someone had to get information out of a terrorist suspect like Atta or Jarrah (after all, they had not committed any crimes pre 9/11) you
    better dot your eyes, cross your tees; and hope
    he’ll spill out of the goodness of his own heart.

  15. McCain buiddied up with Kennedy on immigration- that alone makes my skin crawl.
    That said, just like I flushed my vote away on Bob Dole vs. Slick Willy, I will have to vote for McCain over O’Hillary or Obama, or any democrat.

  16. Claudia, so did GWB and we ended up with the no child left behind which is a joke.
    The reality about politics is that you sometimes have to make a deal with the devil if you want to get something done. Great examples .. the civil rights act legislation. For example, the civil rights act of 1991 which was signed into law by GHW Bush, would not have happened but for John Danforth and his getting Eddie on board as a sponsor. It was a compromise, not perfect, but it was good for the country.
    George, Nixon was a great Prez dude. Only he could make the opening to China. Even Mao admitted that he could only do business with Nixon and the GOP. Mao said that the Dems say one thing and do another. But with Nixon, he knew he was a fervent anti-communist and knew where he stood.
    The Nixon/Kissinger team was one of the best foreign policy teams we’ve had.
    And Nixon is not the one who brought us the affirmative action/quotas that you read in the papers. The affirmative action of the early 1970’s was a statutory remedy brought about by the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to remedy past identifiable discrimination. Remember folks, prior to 1964, it was legal for employers to deny you jobs because of race, gender, religious, etc. (Heck it was Nixon, not LBJ who desegregated the schools)
    Frankly it was a proper remedy in the early 1970’s. In my opinion, it’s outlived its usefulness and its used as a quota system now which is not what it was intended to be.
    The more one reads history, the more you see that Nixon was a great Prez who got done in by his buds, esp. John Dean.
    I know everyone wants another Reagan. Heck the last great Dem leader was Harry Truman and that was over 50 years ago. Think about it, in the 20th century, of the GOP Presidents, you have Reagan as top shelf and everyone else is clearly second tier. Even Ike. Ike was a great general and administrator. But as Prez, he was so so. His admin. dropped the ball on french indochina and on cuba.
    Leaders like Reagan are few and far between and frankly I’ve not seen anyone out there who comes close. Certainly not Newt, or Delay. There was and will only be one Ronald Reagan. But it is also unfair to expect everyone to be like Reagan. It’s like expecting Julian Lennon to be as good as John Lennon.
    Frankly, the candidates out there for the GOP since Reagan have been weak at best. I worked and campaigned and contributed to GWB in both 2000 and 2004 not because I felt he was the greatest leader since Reagan, but because he was the best choice. (Can you imagine a President Gore or President Kerry?) Heaven help us.
    I disagree with the statement that McCain has done more damage to the party than anyone else. To the contrary, I think the administration did more damage to the party by going way happy with spending and the mid east fiasco. Hindsight’s 20/20. Where folks miss the boat sometimes, and what is especially true with the Dems/Libs; a prez needs to do what is best for the country; not what is best for the party.
    In any event, Jack Kemp, who I respect and who I would have voted for Prez. supports McCain and that says a lot for me. Same with Joe Lieberman, though while a Dem (although no more), I would have no qualms voting for because he puts the country first. I respect someone who stands by a position whether its popular or not and whether its good or bad for the party, so long as its what’s best for the country. There’s nothing worse than flip floppers or those folks who are now “born again conservatives” solely for the purpose of getting elected.
    That being said, I’ll still take Nixon over any of the candidates today.
    And given the choice between O’HIllary or O’Bama and a ratdog, I’ll choose the ratdog.

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