23 thoughts on “Coulter: If he’s our candidate, Hillary’s gonna be our girl”

  1. McCain needs to do us all a big favor, pull a Jeffords, and switch parties, but do it now, not after the election. He’s running in the wrong primary.

  2. I’m not saying I like McCain. I’d have liked Newt Gingrich, but he chose not to join the race. I hope you got the meaning of my above message.

  3. I can’t believe Coulter buys into Hillary being not much different than McCain on the Islamofascist war.
    Then again, Ann Coulter is the windbag to end all windbags. She’ll say anything to get attention. McCain may be bad for true conservatives, but Ann Coulter is an embarrassment to any conservative who wants our ideology to be viable and taken seriously.
    That’s my 2 CUCs.

  4. Robert, dude, you have to read her a little more before you rant against one of the very few conservatives who has the balls to take it to the liberal scumbags (sorry for the redundancy). She was being tongue-in-cheek and absurd to make her/my point about McCain.

  5. Of all the candidates, the one who would come closest to nuking Mecca, if we were attacked, is Hillary. She gets pissed off and lashes out.

  6. Sorry George, we’re going to have to disagree on Coulter. You can take it to the scumbags without having to resort to the BS (oh, it’s supposed to be tongue in cheek) that she spews from time to time. It’s too bad because once you dig through it, she has good reasoning and ideas. I just don’t like her style, and YES I firmly believe she does nothing to help the conservative cause because of her extreme bloviating (with all due respect to O’Reilly).
    Since invoking Ronald Reagan is in vogue, let me dare to ask this: WWRT?

  7. You cannot fight an intransigent enemy like the leftards with civility, Robert. You call them out, and you bitch-slap them whenever you can. If you have to kick their miserable lying asses around, so be it. They do it to us daily. This conservative is fucking tired of putting up with their lies, their bullshit, their slanders. Period.

  8. George,
    Coño, te la comiste, compadre. De verdad.
    I could not have put it any better myself. It is refreshing to see sonmeone just plain say it like it is.
    I am sick and tired also of the ENORMOUS double standard shown to the Left in this country.

  9. There’s a lot of truth to what George says. It’s like trying to beat an Ultimate Fighter (UFC) by adhering to the Marquess of Queensberry rules of boxing. They get to do hit you with low blows and no holds are barred, while we have be honorable gentlemen?

  10. There’s a lot of truth to what George says. It’s like trying to beat an Ultimate Fighter (UFC) by adhering to the Marquess of Queensberry rules of boxing. They get to do hit you with low blows and no holds are barred, while we have be honorable gentlemen?

  11. Distinguished military service is not in and of itself a qualification to be the president.
    By the way beyond the techniques there’s a difference between torture as used by the Vietnamese (to break POWs for propaganda purposes) and the so-called torture America uses to obtain intelligence about terrorist plots.

  12. Distinguished military service is not in and of itself a qualification to be the president.
    By the way beyond the techniques there’s a difference between torture as used by the Vietnamese (to break POWs for propaganda purposes) and the so-called torture America uses to obtain intelligence about terrorist plots.

  13. Coulter is very mistaken believing Hillary would continue the rebuilding of Iraq. If the Clintons are anything they are astute politicians. Hillary has to understand that if she does not withdraw US forces, Iraq becomes her problem. In essence, she would own Bush’s policy. She will pull out of Iraq and blame the consequences of a US withdrawal unquestionably on Bush and his supposed mismanagement. She cannot stake her presidency on Iraq. It would be a “lose-lose” proposition. If the policy works and Iraq is successfully rebuilt, Bush gets the credit. However, if there’s failure Hillary wil be blamed for not withdrawing. She will withdraw US forces regardless of the consequences. So while McCain is undoubtedly a liberal given a choice between a liberal and a liberal who will secure Iraq, the choice seems like no choice at all.

  14. WWRT? What Would Reagan Think? Of Ann Coulter. No one answered that question.
    What the conservative base needs in this country are leaders, not publicity-seeking blowhards like Coulter who seek attention rather than influence. Let’s be honest here, the woman says stupid things, despite the fact that deep inside she’s on the right side of the ideological fence.
    It’s not about being nice to our adversaries. It’s not about caving in to them. It’s about having the guts to stand for what you believe in while keeping your integrity and character in place. Too many people think that by blurting out a few outlandish statements, that makes you courageous and brave. It’s easy to be a pundit on FOX and advertise your books. It’s something totally different to be a leader and actually have to face your opponents in real, meaningful, and serious discussions that have ramifications on all of us. That takes character, not some false bravado.
    Again, WWRT?

  15. Coulter is an entertainer and her stuff is funny; not serious political discourse.
    nice legs too.
    She’s to the right what that NY Times lady is to the left. No more — no less.
    FWIW — Ted Olsen is supporting McCain. One hell of a soliciter general who had his wife murdered on 9-11; and very much to the right.

  16. I don’t like Ann Coulter and I don’t think for a second that President Reagan would have liked her either.
    Bottom-line on her: she needs to get laid – fast!

  17. Ann Coulter is actually quite civil. Where’s her profanity, pie-throwing or chusmeria? That’s what the left does to her, but always misses. She fights intelligently, eloquently, and fearlessly incisively, frustrating the heck out of them and fueling their vitriol. That she doesn’t mince words does not make her uncivil. She’s a cirujuna.

  18. It’s not about civility or lack thereof, jluix. I think you may have misunderstood me. It’s about grandstanding for the sake of grandstanding. The conservative movement would be much better off if she used her smarts constructively, instead of aiming to piss people off and being a clown. She’s a pill.
    Cigar Mike is right: we shouldn’t take her stuff seriously, but unfortunately I think she has the serious attention of too many people out there.

  19. Robert, sarcasm and hyperbole have their place, and she wields them effectively. The problem is most people now days can’t handle vigorous debate. Look at what happened in Iowa between Huckabee and Romney, and McCain resenting ads that question his record. Somebody needs to snap the general public out of its politically correct intellectual stupor.

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