Guevaragate, the plot thickens.

It turns out that the woman featured in a TV news segment about a new volunteer campaign office for Barack Obama in Houston that sports a nifty Cuban flag with the image Che Guevara on it is an Obama precinct captain.
Not only that, SHE’S CUBAN!
Here’s an interview with this commie dingbat.

Guevara, of course, was the Argentine murderer that helped establish the Castro dictatorship in Cuba before he was killed by Bolivian Rangers after trying to launch a similar guerrilla war in that country. Guevara was Castro’s chief executioner at the Military Fortress called La Cabaña.
Most Cuban-Americans despise Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and the communist regime. Then again most Cuban-Americans are Republican. Obama’s supporters and Democrats in general deny their socialist tendencies. Ms. Isabel apparently didn’t get the memo. She’s gotten it now.
In researching this post I found that pages on Obama’s web site, generated by supporters, that praise the butcher of La Cabaña have been deleted. Of course there’s always google cache to preserve the evidence.
Here’s a nice one.
Another guy who signs off with an inspirational quote from Che.
I tallied up at least 15 web pages on Obama’s site that previously contained favorable messages and quotes about Guevara. That is before they were erased.
If they were honest, this is the flag they’d hang in the campaign offices.
I wonder who Obama’s healthcare Commisar is going to be? And people wonder why I’m pissed about the ideological pantywaist we are nominating in the GOP.
H/T: Tony44

19 thoughts on “Guevaragate, the plot thickens.”

  1. She thinks she is so smart and where does an ugly commi cuban bar hag get a Publisist??!?!?!?!?!
    We should rattle out internet sabers and make this story turn up in the MSM.
    Pero que stupida!

  2. What’s the name of that arrogant middle-aged leftist? She looks and talks like a veteran of the defunct Antonio Maceo Brigade.

  3. Those comments you retrieved from the Google cache, have you saved them on your hard disk? It’s important, because eventually they will disappear from the cache.

  4. Henry:
    Can you recommend a good book (in Spanish or English) on the scum’s tenure in Cuba? I’m particularly curious about the time when he the executioner at the prison

  5. I totally don’t get Cuban “Americans” like this Maria Isabel scumbag. Maybe it’s because I’ve lived up north most of my life, away from the Cuban community in Miami. But, I mean, the reason my family left Cuba was because we were AGAINST Castro and Che. I suppose she could be a Castro agent, but if so, you’d think she would try to hide her communist leanings. Can anybody explain this mindset to me? What makes people like her tick?

  6. Well Well Well. We should have this dirty little communist rat strung up and sent back to Cuba. Maybe it’s about time we show the commies hiding in the shadows exactly the same medicine Che gave my fellow fallen comrades in Cuba. No justice, No jury, only sound of a well placed bullet in thier heads. Wake up America, either way you look at it Obama or Hitlary will revolutionize this country! We Cuban Americans know exactly what that means. I hope everyone is packing, we’re going to need all the bullets we can find.

  7. As Reinaldo Arenas wrote in “The Doorman” people like this woman are “considerably more evil and immoral than even the system’s executioners for [they] are profiting from a hell that [they] do not have to suffer.”
    At least the regime’s executioners stay in Cuba and have to suffer the dictatorship’s outrages, perhaps to a lesser degree, but which are are nevertheless intolerable to any human being.

  8. The flag shows her true colors! Just like her, there are many in this country, who are “expats” for the Cuban regime!!! Working diligently to discredit the Cuban exile commmunity and to promote “Change” in the best interest of communist Cuba in the USA! Obama has been clear about dialogue with castro and change in policy … as the saying says … “the fruit does not fall too far from the tree” … remember that the opposition leader in Kenya who has met Obama and is his cousin through Obama’s father, named his first son, Fidel, after fidel castro … it may be in the genes … 🙂
    It’s amazing how she can just state that she’s too busy and have no time to talk to about the “flag”, dismiss the entire thing and get away with it!!! We never heard the word “Che” in the entire piece.
    Once I read her profile at
    and saw that she was for “social justice”, I understood her admiration for Che … “Social Justice” is the discreet term for those who believe in socialism …
    Not only is she a captain for Team Obama, she’s listed as the co-chair for “HOLT” which is Houston Obama Leadership Team … and if there’s any doubt of her relevance in the campaign, the fact that she mentioned publicist eliminates it!
    and again … IMHO, this should serve as a booster to get everyone out to vote!!
    I wish you well 🙂 Melek
    “We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name — liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names – liberty and tyranny.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

  9. Jeez, she ran away and melted down under pressure worse than Mark McGwire!
    She didn’t have time to answer the question but she had time to sit there and babble in her attempts to say that she didn’t have time???
    Hopefully, this will wake up conservatives who have professed that they will not support John McCain as to what the alternative is and what’s at stake if they cut off their own nose to spite their face.

  10. The better question would have been the use of che. She is a commie for Obama and that is quite frightening. God help America no matter who wins.

  11. No doubt the Cuban flag was up there to imply Cuban American support for Obama but why didn’t the interviewer, who seemed to not realize the real issue here wasn’t the flag, question her about why she had a picture of a mass murdered on the wall? She kept up with the flag question but she should have unloaded on her about her support for che. Missed opportunity.

  12. You gentlemen ever been on an college campus? a shopping mall? Plenty of dupes sport Che shirts with no idea about his monstrous legacy.
    It’s dangerous to link successors with a point of origin. To blame the Obama campaign for inspiring far-left organizations to join him is like burning your Beatles records for inspiring bands like Coldplay – or, if you want a better analogy, let’s not forget that the John Birch Society endorsed Goldwater in ’64.

  13. Wow, you found a supporter of Obama with 3 other friends who used a quote of Che…stop the presses at the WSJ!!!
    Maybe the MSM should shine a light on some of the commenters on this blog…don’t you guys see the irony?
    McCain/Valdemort ’08

  14. Maybe the MSM should shine a light on some of the commenters on this blog…don’t you guys see the irony?
    FIrst of all we’re not running for president. Second of all readers of babalu who comment are not the contributors of Babalu.
    Maria Isabel has been a visible volunteer for Obama’s campaign appearing in two news stories in the past week with her Guevara flag proudly displayed. Only now that the thing got noticed is she someone that the Obama camp is trying to distance themselves from. Still we have not seen a condemnation of Guevara and his actions from Obama. Why is that so hard for him to do? Who will he offend by doing so? You know the answer is countless brainless idiots that worship Guevara.

  15. Maybe the MSM should shine a light on some of the commenters on this blog…don’t you guys see the irony?
    FIrst of all we’re not running for president. Second of all readers of babalu who comment are not the contributors of Babalu.
    Maria Isabel has been a visible volunteer for Obama’s campaign appearing in two news stories in the past week with her Guevara flag proudly displayed. Only now that the thing got noticed is she someone that the Obama camp is trying to distance themselves from. Still we have not seen a condemnation of Guevara and his actions from Obama. Why is that so hard for him to do? Who will he offend by doing so? You know the answer is countless brainless idiots that worship Guevara.

  16. “I don’t have time to talk about that?”
    You might want to MAKE time.
    This woman is most certainly NOT Cuban.
    She may claim Cuban heritage but that heritage was erased the moment she voiced her support of the oppressive dictatorship.
    As far as I’m concerned – she was not born in Cuba, has never been to Cuba, cares nothing about Cuba and again – IS NOT CUBAN.

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