You all have probably read or heard that the brilliant Hugo Chavez has not only threatened to go to war with Colombia, but along with Ecuador, have supposedly been amassing their armies on the Colombian border. Gateway Pundit has great coverage on Monkey Boy’s latest tantrum for relevance. More at the Real Cuba as well.
My question is though, given that Hugo is subsidizing the castro regime with all that oil, should we expect to see Cuban troops along the Colombian border anytime soon? I havent seen anyone else make mention of this, but it doesnt seem all that far fetched to me.
UPDATE: (bumped to top) I knew it wouldnt be too long before fidel stepped away from his game of pinocle with Satan and tried to grab the media limelight:
Havana – Cuban ex-leader Fidel Castro accused the United States of provoking a regional crisis between Colombia and its neighbours Ecuador and Venezuela, in an article published on Monday in the Cuban media.
“We hear the trumpets of war sounding loudly; that is the consequence of the genocidal plans of the Yankee empire,” Castro wrote of the Colombian raid in Ecuador that killed the second highest ranking leader of the Colombian Marxist rebel group FARC.
“Nothing is new. This was planned,” wrote the 81-year-old longtime ruler of Cuba, who last month officially ceded power to his brother Raul, elected president in his place.
No comment from new “leader” raul castro, as it is believed he’s at the Victoria’s Secret One-day Lingerie Close-out sale.
I just emailed Henry an article that states that Colombia recovered evidence on their raid that FARC has been meeting with Correa of Ecuador. I have a hunch that this will make hugito and Correa look real bad among Latin American nations. I am not too sure rualita wants to get off to such a bad restart. raul’s worst nightmare is that Venezuela gets in a skirmish as that would cut his IV feeding tube.
My sentiments exactly. I think raul is shittin’ pickles right now.
Here is the WAPO’s version of it:
It says that they have evidence of political arrangements with FARC (Ecuador).
OOPS! I mean Washington Times.
Raulito’s WORST nightmare would be sending troops and seeing them defect or mutiny. Stranger things have happened in history. -S-
This site has copies of the documents that show friendly communications between Correa of Ecuador and FARC. Look out hugito. Your cover is being blown. This is why hugito wants to divert attention.
No Val, no Cuban troops. Don’tcha know that Cuba is transitioning to democracy now that a kinder gentler tyrant is at the helm?
Oh OH Raulito, big brudda has opened his mouth:
“Suenan trompetas de guerra” en Suramérica: Fidel Castro
La Habana, Cuba
El ex presidente cubano Fidel Castro afirma que “se escuchan con fuerza” en Suramérica “las trompetas de la guerra, como consecuencia de los planes genocidas del imperio yanqui”, aludiendo a la crisis entre Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador en un nuevo artículo de sus “reflexiones” publicado este lunes.
“¡Nada es nuevo! ¡Estaba previsto!”, agrega el dirigente revolucionario en la nota editorial que destacan los medios de comunicación oficiales de la isla.
I bet raulito wishes big brudda were in the ground already.
You know I can understand Ecuador’s reaction, whether or not they are in bed with the FARC. After all, it was their “sovereignty” that was “violated”.
But hugitos reaction? What rhyme or reason is there for it? He’s definitely showing his insanity.
Well, Correa has canceled his previously scheduled trip to Cuba today to deal with this “crisis.” He was slated to lead an economic conference of sorts.
Read about it at El Nuevo Herald:
Nice! The cadaver ex-in-chief has …um…er…spoken!
Ecuador was harboring terorists that were wreaking havoc on Colombia, that pretty much throws that “sovereignity” out the window.
The only reason correa is upset is because chavez told him to be. Colombia was firing at terrorists and from what I read only crossed the border to recover his body. The whole thing is about the info gathered and that is what Venezuela and Ecuador want to be lost in the news. Do not forget that it is Colombia’s sovereignty that is at stake here and that Venezuela and Ecuador are attacking it with the use of FARC as the documents reveal.
It could be that Chavez got a nasty message from the FARC saying do something or we will stop paying you to protect us.
Very doubtful.
The Cuban Army is in pretty sad shape these days. The couple of parades I’ve been to have been hilarious at best. I simply don’t believe they have the resources to do much of anything.
Advisors, maybe, but no real show of force or massing by Cuban troops.
Still, if they WERE to send a large contingent – would a brilliant time for a coup! LOL
This morning president Bachelet of Chile attacked Colombia for the incident in Ecuador.
But she didn’t raised an issue against the FARC while all these years the FARC in Colombia has brought so much pain and suffering to the people or the fact that the FARC is hiding more than even inside the territories of both Ecuador and Venezuela trying to escape the heat from Colombian’s Army.
We’ll see how Brazil responds but I’m almost certain that Lula will find a way to criticize Colombia and ultimately align himself with Chavez no matter Brazil’s relationship with the U.S.
It is obvious to me that when push comes to shove all these lefties will align together against Colombia.
At this point I’m afraid that Hugo might miscalculate and attack Colombia if he feels that he has that kind of support.
He’s now talking about “Liberating” Colombia and this statement should not be taken for granted.
His ultimately goal is to topple Colombia’s democratic government and add it to his sphere of influence in the region.
His intentions are becoming crystal clear to the rest of the continent.
Hugo is finally taking-off the mask and revealing himself as the next Fidel Castro exporting his “Rebolution” to all of Latin America.
Now we’ll see where all those arms purchases from Russia will be put to use and why they where bought to begin with.
If that is the case the US government will have no other choice that to come to Colombia’s aid.
I’m afraid that given the fact that the present administration has done very little to this point to stand up to Hugo after all these years it makes me fear that Hugo will miscalculate and attack Colombia with Ecuador’s help.
Or that Colombia’s government being pressured from all sides with no strong, visible and loud US support will back down and make dangerous concessions that eventually cause them great harm.
I hope that this time this US administration finally get off their lame asses and wake-up to Hugitos’s treat to all of Latin America and start doing something about it because from this point on this situation can easily take an ugly course if this White House stands by the side doing nothing.
The time has come for President Bush to finally get off his lame ass regarding Latin American policies and confront and stop once and for all Hugo’s madness as much as his father did take care of Noriega’s back in 1989.
The jury still out whether this President will finally stand up once and for all to Hugo the “Mad, Dangerous Clown”.
Don’t know if Raul will get involved with troops on this one but, it would not surprise if hostilities break out and he would send some “military advisers” and weapons to support Hugo, Correa and the FARC, we’ll see.
This morning president Bachelet of Chile attacked Colombia for the incident in Ecuador.
But she didn’t raised an issue against the FARC while all these years the FARC in Colombia has brought so much pain and suffering to the people or the fact that the FARC is hiding more than even inside the territories of both Ecuador and Venezuela trying to escape the heat from Colombian’s Army.
We’ll see how Brazil responds but I’m almost certain that Lula will find a way to criticize Colombia and ultimately align himself with Chavez no matter Brazil’s relationship with the U.S.
It is obvious to me that when push comes to shove all these lefties will align together against Colombia.
At this point I’m afraid that Hugo might miscalculate and attack Colombia if he feels that he has that kind of support.
He’s now talking about “Liberating” Colombia and this statement should not be taken for granted.
His ultimately goal is to topple Colombia’s democratic government and add it to his sphere of influence in the region.
His intentions are becoming crystal clear to the rest of the continent.
Hugo is finally taking-off the mask and revealing himself as the next Fidel Castro exporting his “Rebolution” to all of Latin America.
Now we’ll see where all those arms purchases from Russia will be put to use and why they where bought to begin with.
If that is the case the US government will have no other choice that to come to Colombia’s aid.
I’m afraid that given the fact that the present administration has done very little to this point to stand up to Hugo after all these years it makes me fear that Hugo will miscalculate and attack Colombia with Ecuador’s help.
Or that Colombia’s government being pressured from all sides with no strong, visible and loud US support will back down and make dangerous concessions that eventually cause them great harm.
I hope that this time this US administration finally get off their lame asses and wake-up to Hugitos’s treat to all of Latin America and start doing something about it because from this point on this situation can easily take an ugly course if this White House stands by the side doing nothing.
The time has come for President Bush to finally get off his lame ass regarding Latin American policies and confront and stop once and for all Hugo’s madness as much as his father did take care of Noriega’s back in 1989.
The jury still out whether this President will finally stand up once and for all to Hugo the “Mad, Dangerous Clown”.
Don’t know if Raul will get involved with troops on this one but, it would not surprise if hostilities break out and he would send some “military advisers” and weapons to support Hugo, Correa and the FARC, we’ll see.
Er um Val, hence the use of “soverignty” in quotation marks in my post.
Pototo, I was talking about hugito, not really Ecuador.
Of course they will all condemn Colombia’s action. Personally, if I were leader of Colombia I would’ve done the same exact thing Uribe did. However, I would’ve also been aware that this would raise a lot of dust.
Going into another countries territory for a military operation without their consent, whether we like it or not, violates the so-called sovereignty. Case in point, imagine fifo sends in his MIGS and blows posada off the map while in US territory. The US would have a huge hissy fit as well.
It is one thing to condemn the incursion. It is another altogether when you have a madman, hugito,who is calling for a minute of silence in memoriam and honor of “our” fallen comrade who was cowardly assassinated.
Hello? first they are oppostion, and now they were assassinated? And there is still no rhyme or reason for Venezuela’s reaction. You don’t see anyone else, except for the “offended” state, engaging in sending troops and throwing out diplomats. Even the tone of Ecuador’s government is more conciliatory.
Personally, I think this only shows the leaders of Latin America just exactly how mad this guy is, and how that trigger finger has an itch. After all, he believes in one region, not different countries.
It is obvious that the FARC is operating in Ecuadorian and Venezuelan territories with the “blessing” and “support” of those governments.
It is also obvious that Correa would have never allowed a strike on the FARC in Ecuador and not because of the issue of violating the sovereignty of Ecuadorian territory but the plain simple fact that Correa and Chavez support the FARC.
Don’t worry about Cuban Migs striking our territory because they would not be allowed to reach our shores, period no matter what the case. Remember that what happened with Brothers to the Rescue took place in international waters.
Cuban Migs would be shoot down long before reaching our territory. Also, Fidel and Raul know better whom to mess with and they know this would constitute an act of war against the United States of America.
The United States would not complaint loudly if Cuban Migs tried to blow Posada Carriles in any part of US territory, they would do a hell lot more than that.
The US government will simply go and order the US Air Force and Navy to go and quickly kick the living shit of both Fidel, Raul their cronies, along with the Cuban’s Air Force, Army and Navy if something like this ever happened to this country.
Trust me, Fidel and Raul knows whom to mess with, that’s why they have lasted 49 years in power.
Bottom line, Colombian President Uribe’s government did what he had to do, just plain and simple.
I’m tired to hear that Colombia has to adhere to International law when it comes the time to strike the FARC while the FARC themselves don’t adhere to any law and order at all.
The FARC got what they deserved, let the lefties idiots in Latin America scream all they want, tough shit.
Looks like FARC has biiger ideas with their acquisition of uranium. Also it looks like Colombia is taking the offensive:
“El director de la Policía, general Óscar Naranjo, denunció que el gobierno de Venezuela ha aportado 300 millones de dólares a la guerrilla.
También reveló que el Gobierno solicitará a la OEA que realice un peritazgo técnico a los computadores hallados a ‘Reyes’ para que certifique la veracidad de la información que ha trascendido.
Naranjo también comentó que entre los documentos hallados hay información sobre la compra de las Farc de 50 kilos de uranio y de la venta de 700 kilogramos de cocaína, por un valor de 1,5 millones de dólares.”
Usualmente el estudio de estas computadoras encontradas en la selva y sus revelaciones en un mundo perfecto tomarian de 2 a 3 semanas, pero debido a la gravedad del asunto el General Naranjo ha empezado urgentemente a sacar informacion para apaciguar las cosas y al misno tiempo vertir la opinion publica mundial en contra de Venezuela y Ecuador. Good Move.
Los colombianos estan asesorados por los Estados Unidos, menos no se podia esperar. Great job Colombia
What did I tell you…Brazil now condems Colombia:
At the end Colombia must rely on the support of the United states of America and a few other alies because the rest of the Latin American governments are so full of shit that is not even funny.
Where was Brazil when the FARC was bleeding the Colombian people? Nowhere to be found.
I cannot stand President Lula of Brazil. The guy is so obvious a commie simpathizer and supporter of Chavez that makes me puke.
What makes me even more mad is the fact that Lula plays both sides of the fence by trying to keep a close relationship with the United States but at the end his true colors always show, which are red, red and red.
Lula has no choice but to support Chavez, as he’s desperately trying to keep the natural gas flowing from Bolivia…even though Morales has already stabbed him in the back a few times.
Mr. Bingley
With all due respect the reality is that President Lula is nothing more and nothing less than a communist piece of crap that sometimes cameleons as a democratic politician trying to fool the rest of Latin America.
At the end of the day when push comes to shove he always displays his red colors by embracing and defending the wrong characters like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.
If it smells and looks like shit then is definitely shit and that’s what Mr. Lula is as far as I’m concerned.
Freedom, I don’t disagree at all. I am just pointing out that he spent a lot of time kissing Chavez’s and Morales’ asses only to have Morales turn around and nationalize Petrobras’ billions of reais investments in the Bolivian gas fields and Lula desperately needs the gas to keep flowing. So while he will undoubtedly support his leftist compadres to some extent if things take an ugly turn with Correa, Chavez and Morales occupied with Colombia I could see Lula trying to build a better Chaco War and take back the “Brazilian Property” that was nationalized.
Some of us may want to voice our support for Colombia.
Mr. Bingley
Trust me, Mr. Lula the good lefty commie that he is will rather sacrifice Brazilian interests that go against his lefties compadres even if he pays a political price in his own country (Brazil) for his policies.
He didn’t confront Morales after Petrobras’s nationalization in Bolivia and this event cost millions to Petrobas. That goes to shows you how he is.
Even if Mr. Lula gets in trouble politically in his own country and is pressured by companies like Petrobras for not defending their international interests, he would still not dare to stand up to his lefties buddies like Morales, Correa or Chavez.
He’ll rather sacrifise Petrobras interests no matter the political cost to him.
These lefties are all cut from the same shitty piece of cloth and they’re very predictable.