chavez unveils his latest military magnum opus

cuban aircraft carrier.jpg

“Mr. Defense Minister,” the chimp faced dictator bellowed into the microphone. “I hereby present you with my latest crowning achievement; the aircraft carrier ‘Simon Bolivar!'” The mentally unstable–and some say somewhat retarded–dictator beamed with pride as he presented to the Venezuelan press what he considers to be the greatest technological achievement of his so-called revolution. Questions regarding the aircraft carrier’s unorthodox design, however, were answered with bravado instead of technical explanations.
“It will strike fear into the hearts of those Colombian capitalist pigs and show the world how communist technology surpasses any technology dreamed of by the imperialist dogs. Together with the help of my Cuban comrades, we have pooled their accumulated experience in efficient and practical design with my inimitable vision to create a true masterpiece that is a shining example of the military power and technological brilliance of 21st century socialism. Think long and hard, lap dogs of the empire to the north–provoke me once again and I will not hesitate to unleash upon you the fury of this fully operational warship!”
The Pentagon could not be reached for comment. Actually, they were reached, but no one there could stop laughing long enough to give a coherent comment or response.

5 thoughts on “chavez unveils his latest military magnum opus”

  1. This is one more proof of the great technological achievements of the Socialism of the 21th Century.

  2. Monkey Jungle is looking for a new species to add to the collection….I think that Hugito would make the perfect candidate.
    What scientific name should be give him?
    Monus Stupidus?

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