There is an excellent editorial today by David Paulin at American Thinker that is well worth reading. Paulin’s editorial, “What I learned in Havana talking to ordinary Cubans,” bridges the gap between the fantastical perception of Cuba extolled by castro, Inc. apologists and the Cuban reality Cubans must live in.
The secret love affair between left-leaning elites and Cuba goes on no matter what. No sooner had Cuba’s aging Fidel Castro resigned, that a common narrative emerged in liberal papers like the New York Times: positive changes could be coming to the hemisphere’s last bastion of communism.
On Cuba’s northeast coast, meanwhile, 24 ordinary Cubans — men, women, and children — boarded a boat under cover of darkness. They set off across the Florida Strait to America — presumably unaware of the media’s upbeat Cuba narrative playing out in the country of their dreams. They landed in South Florida, reported the Miami Herald.
Read the rest of this excellent editorial HERE.