Reverend Wrong

O Boy! Obama. O Bye Bye. We hardly knew ye.
Reverend Wright, Senator Obama’s pastor and spiritual advisor of 20 years has some err… interesting ideas.
One of his “theories” involves our nemesis, (f)idel:

Mr. Wright thundered on: “America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. . . . We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers . . . We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Ghadhafi . . . We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God.”

Senator O. can try and defect from reverend Wright’s team, but it’s going to take a lot of esplainin’ to esplain away why he found “religion”, got married by, and got the title for his bestseller “The Audacity of Hope” all from reverend Wright. Heck, check out some of the Reverend’s words of wisdom here. Does a person who sits through one of these hate filled diatribes without walking out after a single solitary minute and considers this person a “sounding board” have the judgment to lead America? And now he’s saying that he oblivious to what was going on his own church? Scary. Obliviousness is not a good quality for the guy with the finger on the nuclear trigger.
This Reverend Wright sounds more like Reverend Wrong -worse than Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Castro, even Che.
Oh, that reminds me…
Will the last Obama campaign volunteer to leave the campaign office please take down the Che flag.

12 thoughts on “Reverend Wrong”

  1. It is so obvious to me that Obama is so fake is not even funny.
    I hope that the American people finally open their eyes and minds, get through the clouds of his articulate B.S., realize how full of shit he is and how much trouble he’ll get this country in if he gets elected.
    The jury is still out on this one, we’ll see in November.

  2. Now Obama is denouncing the reverend:
    This reverent probably has been talking crap like this for years and now finally Obama catches up to it when he knows that it could hurt him badly in the campaign.
    How appropriate of a last minute damage control campaign move this one is.
    I would like to know, whom the hell is he fooling?
    Not me, that’s for sure.
    How clueless and stupid his followers are?
    I have to say very, very much.
    My God, like I said before, Obama is so full of shit that is not even funny.
    We’re definitely going to be in some serious deep shit with him in charge of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  3. The Reverend made some of his most anti-American comments on the Sunday following 9/11/01!!! Obama and his wife have been tied to him for a long time so there is no believable way for Obama to now explain why he stayed in that Church!

  4. Mr. Potts, would you like me to send your change of party affiliation form to your home or office?
    Seriously it’s time to get out of the commie light party.
    At least go independent.

  5. Well, this puts the Che/Cuban flag incident in sharper focus, dontcha think? Oh, wait, I forgot… Obama never heard the good reverend say that Fidel is a good guy. It’s too early to say, but I think we may be seeing the beginning of the end of the Obama love-fest. Most of the posts on the CNN forum are running against Obama. Speaking of CNN, Anderson Cooper initially said that he was only covering the story because other journalists (FOX!) have been talking about it, but it’s really a *distraction.* Mr. Cooper, it would be really refreshing if you would just cover the news and let your audience decide whether or not it’s a distraction (and apparently, most don’t think it is).

  6. I enjoy the dogfight, but Obamination has far more teflon than Billary. NOthing’s sticking to him.
    This is his “I-didn’t-inhale” moment.

  7. The reason Obama’s wife came out a while back saying that this is the first time she feels proud to be an American, is because she has been listening to Rev. Wright all these years. Now she sees the chance to change the US to what the revernad wants and she is proud.

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