Letter to Joe Garcia from fellow Alumni – UPDATED

I received this open letter (below) today via email. You can add my name the signatories at the bottom. Henry Gomez 87. By the way, take a look at the graduation years of most of the signatories. All old fogies. Must be that generational shift the Herald’s been talking about for 25 years.
I sent the letter to my fellow classmates from 1987 and the following have joined in supporting it so far:
Juan Carlos Sague
Jose Lopez Varela
Ramon Cespedes
Francisco Gambin
Jorge Baste
Henry Landa
Albert Zaldivar
Andres F. Jimenez
Juan Castro
David Garcia
Gian Novaro M.D.
Jorge Calero
Gustavo Carreras
Javier Canto
Fernando Alvarez
Others from other classes:
Jorge Escala 92
Erick Ortiz 88
Andres L. Jimenez 60

Columbus grads getting in on the act:
Albert Barthelemy 91
Letter Text:

April 10, 2008
Dear Mr. Garcia:
Like you, we are alumni of Belen Jesuit Preparatory School. That is the same school that was intervened and shut down at the beginning of the Cuban Revolution by none other than Fidel Castro – ironically, also a graduate of Belen. Castro expelled the priests that ran the school from the island, many of whom taught him, and he also declared the practice of religion counterrevolutionary. His betrayal to our school was inexcusable, unacceptable, and caused great hardship for many students, teachers, and parents.
Fortunately, the Jesuit Fathers were able to reestablish our school in exile, and today it stands proudly in Southwest Dade as an example of what Cubans and Cuban-Americans can accomplish in freedom and as a beaming rebuke of Fidel Castro and his nefarious revolution.
Today we are writing to respectfully ask that you can cancel the fundraising event you have scheduled with Congressman Charles Rangel of New York. Congressman Rangel has been a consistent enemy of Cuban exiles and of the enslaved Cuban people. He has embraced Fidel Castro on numerous occasions, hosted him in New York, and recently traveled to Cuba on a trip that was paid for in part by the illegitimate Cuban regime. More importantly, Mr. Rangel does not share our values. He does not understand our community’s plight nor does he want to.
One thing is to have a cordial relationship with those that we have fundamental ideological differences with; another is to accept money from them. By using Mr. Rangel’s name to raise money you are compromising the principles you claim to stand for and that our community has fought in favor of for the last 50 years.
Given that as a Belen graduate you are a part of our important tradition, we ask you not to betray our community and everything it stands for. Please reconsider this misguided decision that may lead many to question your judgment. It seems the money really wouldn’t be worth it.
Alejandro Burgos 98, Jean-Paul Chavez 01, Angel Cordova 04, Pablo Carreño 42, Javier Correoso 04, Juan Diaz 01, Chris Dominguez 02, Mikel Llanes 98, Naldo Gonzalez 88, Rep. Marcelo Llorente 94, Richard Marquez 98, Mario Martinez-Malo 56, Luis Perez-Codina 01, Felix Rodriguez 99, Lorenzo J. Rodriguez 93, Jonathan Salum 02, Roy Schultheis 02

17 thoughts on “Letter to Joe Garcia from fellow Alumni – UPDATED”

  1. Stand by for what I expect will be the Garcia version of the Obama response to the Rev. Wright issue (though probably not as slick). A barf bag may come in handy, so be prepared.

  2. This letter is perfectly reasonable, but the fact any Cuban-American, let alone a would-be representative of Cuban-Americans, needs to be asked to refrain from getting in bed with somebody like Rangel is already highly problematic. It’s sort of like asking your spouse to please don’t molest the kids.
    Garcia is not retarded. He has to know this is a no-go area. If he chooses to go there, he should fully reap the consequences. Asking him not to do such an infamous thing is, in my opinion, demeaning. He knows better, and if he doesn’t, he’s hopeless anyway, so why bother?

  3. I bet you his next move is a letter from other Belen graduates supporting him and his fund raiser with Rangel. Just a thought…

  4. I am a Belen alumni and I support Joe Garcia. I have been busy campaigning for him in Flagami and raising $50 contributions.

  5. Oscar – If that is the case then you are in a better position than most to try to dissuade him from associating with Rangel. Truthfully Cuba is not the most important issue for me when I vote but linking up with someone who actively supports the Cuban regime is just wrong. I oppose the embargo so for my own reasons but even then I would never associate myself with someone who has little interest in the welfare of Cubans on the island whose last name is not Castro.

  6. What Oscar really means is that he has been GIVING $50 contributions to teenage prostitutes in Flagami.
    He apparently didn’t learn much about morality at Belen.

  7. I remember being told over and over: “Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres.” Unfortunately, there is a place that defies conventional understanding. This “place” is politics.
    This place thrives on Machiavellian principles and is full of political expediency. Sometimes you need to do “A” to get to “B” even though “A” may be reprehensible and “B” enlightened.
    As Jesuit educated men, we, Joe Garcia included, were fortunate to be given the tools to stand out and think outside the box. So it saddens me to read these posts. Everyone taking extreme positions, writing slogans instead of cogent arguments, and propagating views and opinions designed by lesser men to excite the ignorant into taking sides, never teaching a man how to navigate the waters in the middle, never pointing to the true root issue.
    Of all the things Jesus said, one of my favorites is the following: “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”. With this statement he cut through a which side am I on scenario and pointed to the truth.
    I am disappointed that Joe feels a need to get support from and associate himself with Rangel, he had the opportunity to stand out on his own. He has the tools to do better. He is expected to do better. I am also extremely disappointed that everyone is blasting him for doing so, using slogans instead of articulate argument. Shame on you all.

  8. I posted this elsewhere. I’m going to copy and paste with some editing.
    I’m a Belen Grad (Class of 06). I think this entire campaign against Mr. Garcia stinks and it filled with simple minded politics and ideological group thought. While my fellow Belen alumni have every single right to write and post this letter, it’s unfortunate they insist on playing the same exact political game which hasn’t gotten (1) The United States (2) Cuban Exiles (3)Cubans living on the Island, anywhere in the past 40+ years.
    It’s also unfortunate that they choose to associate themselves with the bellicose dialog which Babalu promotes on a daily basis. It’s an insult to the critical thinking and analysis skills which Belen develops in every single one of its graduates. I spent seven years at the school in order to be a Man for Others (which includes those persons I disagree with).
    Sergio Andres Lobo-Navia
    Belen Jesuit Class of 2006

  9. Oh and for the record the authors of that letter didn’t submit it to Babalu. I obtained it through a third party. They did not choose to associate themselves with anything except each other in protest of the Rangel fund raiser. Only after the fact did I post it and share it with my classmates some of whom have agreed to have their names added to it. All of those men are men for others as well. They had the same formation as you and Joe. And they disagree deeply with the idea that coddling tyrants is the best way to end tyranny.

  10. “I think this entire campaign against Mr. Garcia stinks and it filled with simple minded politics and ideological group thought.”

    I’ve never even been to Miami and know nothing about this school, so take me with a grain. But it is a little tiring to hear one side complain about the other side’s views being simple-minded ideological group thought without ever saying WHY. Could you give us these subtle, fine, nuanced details that we’re somehow missing instead of just dismissing us with explanation-free cliche’s? If you can’t do that, then you have to wonder who is really being simple-minded.

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