The mystery of Dashiell Torralba

In August of last year a woman named Dashiell Torralba appeared on what was then called “Polos Opuestos” with Miami TV host Maria Elvira Salazar. Torralba is notable because she was the girlfriend of Antonio “Tony” Castro, one of Fidel’s sons (the one who is an orthopedic surgeon and has traveled as the team doctor with the Cuban baseball team). She told the story of what that experience was like.


She also sold a video to Univision’s channel 23 in Miami that revealed some details about the Castro household.

A blog search for Torralba’s name today reveals that the video is being actively promoted online.

And curiously the existence of another video was made public today. On Oscar Haza’s show (which competes with Salazar’s) some clips were shown of a porno made by Torralba for a Miami-based smut producer named Bang Bros. In the video, she uses the name Rocio Marrero. We won’t link the video but the name of the film is “Language Barrier”.


Why is the Univision video of the Castro family home movies suddenly being promoted after almost a year of it being online and how come Torralba’s porno comes to light on the same day? Something is going on with Ms. Torralba, I just don’t know what it is.

Additionally, Torralba made news last month when El Nuevo Herald reported that she was being charged with credit card fraud and identity theft.

Update (Val): I first read about this video yesterday morning at Penultimos Dias and they should get the kudos for breaking this.

8 thoughts on “The mystery of Dashiell Torralba”

  1. Oh yes, Bang Bros – what a joke! I have seen them film the “clean” bits all around Coral Gables and even saw them once time in a Publix – you know it’s them because they are based in Miami and they are always filming a somewhat attractive model blondes. I read an article that they are turning Miami into the porn super capital with off -shoots like “8th Street Latinas”, and copy cats popping all over Miami – there is even a guy who I think is Cuban who has a boat and takes the “models” out around that island where all the rich stars live – going towards Miami beach – to film on the boat – when they are finished they give them a life preserver and kick them off the boat – it’s all for show of course, but they do the “deed” all out in the open for all to see.

    They give Miami a bad reputation.

  2. This is not a nice Cuban girl to bring home to mother -one has to feel kind of sorry for her and her ilk, what the Revolution has accomplished – it has made Cuba into a nation of jineteras – and just think of the BS that Castro said he did during the Revolution – to get rid of prostitution! Yeah right. very similar to the Russia of today. The discharge of communism.

  3. this is just embarassing for all Cubans….obviously this woman has issues, considering her arrests for cocaine possession, identity theft, now this porn all in the span of a couple months. Que la manden pa’traz!

  4. My cousin used to work for bang bros and I got meet many of their regulars. I even worked a bit at promoting them at events like ultra fest, the rave that goes on every year at bicentennial park. All I know is that most of thepeople at BB are respectable. Porn is a lucrative business,yet if you don’t like it then don’t watch it (freedom kicks ass).

    Now, this business about fidel’s son’s ex. The recent video demonstrates this chick’s lack of attention. Maybe she was a jinetera before she knew Antonio Castro, I really don’t care. It’s possible that she knew it would make the news, I don’t know, but other than that it shouldn’t ruin the credibility of the other videos that shows the intimate secrets of the castros.

    At the end of it all, Bang Bros. Came (pardon the pun) out on top and showed that skanks like this slut love money for sex.

    On the credit fraud charge, ojala que la cojen en eso she wouldn’t be the first nor the last. Son los cubanos repentido medio comunistas estos que llegan aqui y ya creen que se la sabe toda y que tiene dios garado por la barba. Those “Sorry Cubans” should be departed.

  5. Don’t be so harsh, a former woman of the life once saved mine, a long long time ago when I was so devoutly Catholic … after all Jesus accepted Maria Magdalene.

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