A familiar face in El Diario La Prensa – UPDATED

Those of you who regularly read the New York City metro area newspaper, El Diario La Prensa, might have caught a familiar face this morning on the opinion page. . .

Para aquellos de nosotros que vivimos la Revolución Cubana hay dos Che: el que conocimos, y el falso ídolo venerado por millones en la tierra.
El verdadero Che era un hipócrita que vivió muy cómodamente en una mansión mientras predicaba la revolución encarcelaba, torturaba y asesinaba a miles de mis compatriotas. Algunas de sus víctimas fueron mis familiares. Este Che desestimó los derechos humanos como “detalles arcaicos de la burguesía”. También mandó a decenas de miles de cubanos a campos de concentración. Para rematar, empobreció a todos, y se estableció a sí mismo como Señor de todos.
Che, el ídolo, es un hombre totalmente diferente: un noble que luchó por la justicia, un idealista sensible, incluso un mártir, un santo. Irónicamente, el ídolo Che genera gran cantidad de dinero para los capitalistas que imprimen su imagen en todo tipo de mercadería o que hacer películas sobre su vida.

Catch the rest of Professor Carlos Eire’s editorial here.
English translation courtesy of Fausta Wertz at Real Clear World.

4 thoughts on “A familiar face in El Diario La Prensa – UPDATED”

  1. Does anyone know what happened to Yoani’s, Reinaldo’s and the other blogs at desdecuba.com. They are gone. I have been trying since this morning and they have just vanished.
    I hope it’s temporary, because I’m having withdrawals!!

  2. I had a conversation with a friend last night that stunned me. She is your usual moral, caring person.
    She knew nothing at all about Guevara. She saw Che and accepted the movie as his story. When I tried to tell her that was a fiction, she was surprised. So I read her Professor Eire’s piece in English. As I read each part, it was all revelatory to her. She knows about the professor because I tell her about his book and she promises to read it. So she respects him. When I shouted at her, Che and Castro are Communists; how could you think well of them knowing only that, it gave her pause. I hope I gave her something to think about.
    But why is there so much ignorance? It terrifies me all the time.

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