From FrontPage Magazine comes this very disturbing article about anti-semitism in the land of the Simian King:
Is it a coincidence that in an authoritarian socialist state that has sidled up to the world’s most dangerous Islamist state is home to an increasing spree of violence targeting the Jewish community? Is it a spree being directed by Hugo Chavez out of bigoted or self-aggrandizing reasons? Or is any collectivist nation dominated by a strongman an inevitable incubator of anti-Semitism and scapegoating of its Jewish minority?
Whatever the answers, Venezuela is providing the evidence. Observers like the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Latin America expert Andres Oppenheimer cite “a well-orchestrated [anti-Semitic] campaign” that has been taking place on Venezuela’s government sponsored radio and television stations, newspapers and websites such as Aporrea. Stoking anti-Semitic fervor, such outlets frequently compare Israel to Nazi Germany and denounce “international Jewish conspiracies.” Meanwhile, an association of reporters urged Venezuelans to boycott local businesses owned by Venezuelan Jews. And the media is not alone in fueling anti-Jewish incitement.
sounds like the hardcore leftist fringe here in the USA which controls the Moveon and Kos folks as well as the rabid left wing of the Dems.
Now he’s really done it to himself. He is messing with the WRONG people.
Simio seboruco; he thinks he can beat the rap of history. Que imbecil. We knew this was coming, not if but when; what else dya expect when he’s been bedding with Am-demon-job.
He fits right in with 74% of Spaniards:
chavez is keeping his new best friend, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs, very happy.