They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We were told that this crisis was serious and that if we didn’t spend these $800 billion dollars that we’d be facing a catastrophe. But somehow I don’t think Pelosi, Rangel and company are laughing because they just saved the nation. Far from it, they are laughing because they just got over on tax paying Americans. I’m going to make that distinction because 40% of Americans pay ZERO income taxes, many receiving some kind of government subsidy from the rest of us.
George Moneo has the following quote on his email signature which is appropriate given this situation:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
-Benjamin Franklin
Folks, the wolves are going to be outnumbering the lambs soon.
Something else crosses my mind, remember how Obama and his surrogates kept bringing up the $10 billion a month we are spending on the Iraq war? How does 80 times that amount strike you for one-shot spending spree that will cost trillions once it’s all said and done?
I have some friends that voted for Obama because they felt Republicans “had lost their way” and were “spending like drunken sailors”. Well the entire fleet just pulled into port with wallets full of cash, our cash and out children’s cash. Aren’t you glad we got rid of those free spending Republicans now?
Wasn’t President Obama also touting those $1500 in tax cuts, 95% of us would get?
Now we are down to $400 for single and $800 for a couple. How’s that supposed to stimulate us to go spend?
How will that help small businesses get customers in to spend?
It doesn’t matter what he does, there are useful idiots all over this country who will celebrate his ingenuity, communication skills and efficiency in getting things done for us.
Pelosi, Reid and Obama and company have royally screwed us. Spector, Collins and Snowe disgracefully joined their party. But the worst is how so many in this country are not outraged by this horrible bill.