Interesting note came via email:
BETRAYAL: Clinton, Castro & the Cuban Five
On February 24, 1996, two U.S. civilian aircraft flying a rescue mission in international airspace off Cuba were shot down by Cuban Air Force MiG fighters. Four Americans, including three U.S. citizens, lost their lives. In a new, explosive book titled, BETRAYAL, co-authors Thomas Van Hare (former command pilot) and Matt Lawrence recount how back door politics, failed negotiations and NORAD’s inaction allowed Cuba to murder American citizens. The cover up that followed went from Havana to the halls of the Clinton White House.
After thirteen years of exhaustive research and two years of writing, BETRAYAL reveals:
- The aircraft shot down were never in Cuban airspace and the shootdown was planned and practiced in advance, closely monitored by U.S. radars, on direct order from Washington.
- The U.S. Government was deeply penetrated by Cuban spies who manipulated public opinion and controlled U.S. policy to Fidel Castro’s ends.
- USAF F-15 fighters could have intervened, but did not, even as Cuban MiGs chased an aircraft nearly to Key West.
- Documents released by the U.S. Government reveal prior knowledge by senior Clinton Administration officials, including Sandy Berger, Gov. Bill Richardson, and top advisor, Richard Nuccio.
- Cuban spies now in jail, including the Cuban Five, were involved in the shootdown; they are the central focus of Cuba’s latest round of diplomacy with the Obama Administration.
- The case of the Cuban Five, including convictions for conspiracy to commit murder and aiding and abetting, is currently being sent before the U.S. Supreme Court – even while Cuban Government officials plead to the Obama Administration for their release.
Great book! Doesn’t come as a surprise to any of us familiar with Castro, inc. and the dastardly Clinton Administration. Its fantastic that these authors have put together this book. I’m definitely going to buy it.
But alas, tragically, don’t expect the mainstream media to review the book. Expect the usual silent treatment that will undoubtedly vanguish the book to oblivion.
Can we get a copy to review? Has someone received a copy?
Well, nobody much cares about the Bay of Pigs betrayal or the Kennedy-Kruschev pact that essentially flushed Cuba’s freedom and future (50 years and counting) down the toilet so that JFK could save face and get himself out of a jam of his own making. We’re talking about millions of people, at least three generations, royally screwed and an entire country ruined. If something of that magnitude is considered OK, as it obviously is and always has been, four lives more or less are not going to get anybody riled up (except us, but we’re just “those people,” and nobody gives a shit).