Today I attended the ceremony held at FIU in remembrance of the 4 Brothers to the Rescue volunteers who were killed by the Cuban Air Force when their unarmed aircraft were shot down over international waters north of Havana. It’s the 13th anniversary of the killings.
Here’s some photos:
Bertha Antunez, sister of prominent Cuban dissident, talking to journalist Yindra Ayube
We formed a circle around the fountain and observed six minutes of silence while holding hands. This photo was taken immediately afterwards.
This poster was attached to a tree so that passersby would know what was going on.
I was leaving class late last night when I noticed that some commie a-hole wrote the word “Gusano” on one of those posters with swastikas. So in their sick, twisted head people who want freedom and liberty are NAZIS; while they themselves being for socialism and tyranny are not. The jerk that defaced that poster is a lot closer to any NAZI ideology then anyone that simply is interested in FREEDOM and LIBERTY!!! I always find it funny when the marxist and socialist attacks anyone in favor of capitalism, freedom and liberty as NAZIS. Don’t they realize the NAZI were also SOCIALIST and hated capitalism. They are the ones closer to the nazi ideology than anyone in favor of freedom, liberty, and capitalism.
Gee, I wonder if Lisandro Perez and Marifeli Perez-Stable were in attendance.
Frankly, I think FIU was a bad venue for this. It’s too tainted, and the dead deserve better.