It is the natural progression of all things socialist: reduce humanity to nothing more than chattel.
Like cattle, the citizens of Venezuela are now being subjected to branding. Whenever they buy meat, they must be marked with indelible ink to prevent them from acquiring more than what the Chavista dictatorship has deemed to be their share. And as if branding someone were not despicable enough, the Chavistas insist they be branded on their bellies to maximize the demeaning act.
Once again we see the simian, would-be king of Venezuela taking another page out of the Castro Tyrannical Handbook: reduce your people to subhuman status and the world will turn a blind eye to their suffering.
You can read the news story from Venezuela in Spanish HERE.
This is really horrifying. Thanks for bringing it to light. I’ll never understand how so may Venezuelans can support this madness.
Disgusting, and par for the course for the chavista mob.
However, did you realize this is news from February 25, 2007 ? Says so in the original link in Spanish… Anyway I have no doubt this is a common occurence nowadays too, and probably isn’t news anymore because people has submitted to the branding treatment.
Best regards to Babalu from our blog Dream Team !
El Opinador Compulsivo
In Iraq the color purple celebrates a free people exercising their right to vote. (thank you George Bush)
In Venezuela we can see a new use for this color.
So who will this administration cozy up to? Sickening.
You are right Mike; the story is an old one, but for some reason it popped up as recent news. Its meaning, however, remains relevant nonetheless.
I had not heard about this. It is revolting.
Who would know the 666 would begin in Venezuela ?