One thing is clear, however. The resulting shakeup in the Cuban government has strengthened the younger Castro as he moves to implement badly needed economic changes, as well as possible normalization with the United States, analysts say.
That’s from an article St. Petersburg (FL) Times by David Adams. I don’t know what planet this guy is living on but as Humberto has pointed out several times in the past few days all of the self-proclaimed Cuba experts said that Carlos Lage was the Gorbachev in waiting and that his day to lead was coming soon. His sacking, of course, is not a sign of liberalization in Cuba but exactly the opposite.
As Andy Gomez of the University of Miami first commented on the shake-up, ‘This is big — and big in the wrong direction.” Only the people who always believe NOW is a good time to capitulate to the regime would interpret this as anything but a move AWAY from glasnost and perestroika. I guess David Adams is one of those guys.