The BabaluBlog Radio Show | 9:00 PM tonight!

We may reveal an important, stupendous, phenomenal, amazing, earth-shattering announcement tonight on the BabaluBlog Radio Show starting at 9:00 PM. Don’t miss it! The call-in number is (646) 652-4506, or you can send an email to me with questions or comments. Don’t miss the opportunity to call in and participate!

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1 thought on “The BabaluBlog Radio Show | 9:00 PM tonight!”

  1. Val (and all the rest of the contributors),

    I am a former Miami resident (near MetroZoo), and previously a resident of Homestead AFB when they had bombers there. I read the blog regularly…well, fairly often, and keep hoping that one day Cuba Libre will be more than just an adult libation!

    I was sent this by a friend of mine, and immediately thought of you and what you are all about. You might want to look at the other ones these guys have done as well.

    KP – now in Houston area.

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