Cuba’s internet controls

• Cuba: You can surf the Internet at a tourist hotel, but it’s expensive. What’s more, Cuba’s Supervision and Control Agency will be watching. There’s also a national network, but it limits connections to government Web sites. The penalty for posting “counter-revolutionary” articles on a foreign-hosted Web site is 20 years. You get 5 years in the stir for connecting illegally to the international network.

From the “Internet Enemies” report by Reporters Without Borders as published by Wired.

2 thoughts on “Cuba’s internet controls”

  1. But they have free indoctrination, I mean education, in Cuba, don’t they? That compensates for everything.

  2. “The penalty for posting “counter-revolutionary” articles on a foreign-hosted Web site is 20 years. You get 5 years in the stir for connecting illegally to the international network.”

    Can you imagine the outcry, the wailing and moaning, the tearing of garments if this were happening in a RIGHT-wing regime? Sean Penn and company, among MANY others, would be screaming bloody murder. Do you hear a peep from any of them? Um, NO. Not a whisper of protest. Gee, I wonder why.

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