I’d like to watch this video of a young Jose Serrano from 1992:
Now contrast that with this statement he made a year ago:
“Today’s news that Fidel Castro has retired from leading his nation proves yet again that this important figure defies the attempts of his critics to paint him simply as a power-hungry authoritarian. Instead, it proves that Castro sees clearly the long-term interests of the Cuban people and recognizes that they are best served by a carefully planned transition. Few leaders, having been on the front lines of history so long, would be able to voluntarily step aside in favor of a new, younger generation. In taking this action, Castro is ensuring that the changes he brought about will live on and grow…It is time to recognize that Castro was a great leader for his people — and move toward engagement with his successor.”
“I would like to congratulate both Fidel Castro and the Cuban people for this smooth transition of power. It is much to their credit that the much-predicted turmoil following Castro’s exit from direct control of the state did not happen. It proves that there is a broad base of support for the Cuban system on the island. It also proves that despite constant criticisms, Castro’s revolution was not merely a series of military events in Cuba in the late 1950s and early 1960s, but instead a process that continues to evolve in Cuba today.
There’s a short list of guys I’ll kick squarely in the balls if they come within range of my size 13s and this prick is one of them. Hijo de la gran puta.
He is one sickening mother-f…er!
He has become the most pro-castro member of congress even more so than Charles Rangel and it was so precipitous, so unexpected. I suspect that something must have happened. The amoral castroite dictatorship often bribes or blackmails people. I wonder if this is what’s at the root of Serrano’s transformation?