The gentleman second from the right in this picture, Gerry Pasciucco, heads the AIG unit just deluged with bonuses.
This will surprise only those unfamiliar with The REAL CHE Guevara. From P. 24 of a certain crackpot book:
“After a hard day at the office, Che repaired to his new domicile in Tarara, 15 miles outside Havana on the pristine beachfront (today reserved exclusively for tourists and Communist party members, by the way). The “austere idealist,” Che, hadn’t done too badly for himself in this real estate transaction, known in non-revolutionary societies as theft.
“The house was among the most luxurious in Cuba,” writes Cuban journalist Antonio Llano Montes. ”Until a few weeks prior, it had belonged to Cuba’s most successful building contractor. The mansion had a boat dock, a huge swimming pool, seven bathrooms, a sauna, a massage salon and several television sets. One TV had been specially designed in the U.S. and had a screen ten feet wide and was operated by remote control (remember, this was 1959.) This was thought to be the only TV of its kind in Latin America. The mansion’s garden had a veritable jungle of imported plants, a pool with waterfall, ponds filled with exotic tropical fish and several bird houses filled with parrots and other exotic birds. The habitation was something out of A Thousand and One Nights.’
He’s very hip. Fucking moron.
On a related note, I met the guy standing next to Che’s body about three years ago.
I was fortunate enough to have about a half hour conversation with him at the headquarters of La Brigada 2056 in Little Havana.
Felix Rodriguez…one Hell of a guy!
Maybe the useful idiot, Pasciucco, thought that he needed to go as Bill Ayers to the Cuba Theme Party! Talk about ignorance & stereotypes … for images on “Ignorance is Bliss”, click on the link below on the event …
I wish you well 🙂 Melek
“Ignorance is never out of style. It was in fashion yesterday, it is the rage today and it will set the pace tomorrow.” ~ F. Dane