More on turncoat insider David Frum:
Quite inadvertently, Mr. Frum’s attack on Rush Limbaugh has opened the door to a subject he and his fellow Washingtonians surely never intended. The nation’s capital does in fact function as something of a cult. If I learned nothing else in my time in Washington working from House to Senate to White House and Cabinet staff I learned that. It is no accident that Frum is appalled at the influence of both Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, neither of whom are in good standing of the Cult of Washington, D.C. To be a serious advocate of freedom, of capitalism, free markets, of a political system that regards people as human beings with equal opportunity instead of beans to be counted by race, color, creed or gender, to seriously challenge the conventional wisdom — and infinitely worse, to do so while not dressing or speaking in cult approved fashion, much less openly refusing to pay tribute to the cult, is a violation of All Things Holy as determined by the cult.
It’s no wonder Mr. Frum does not understand Limbaugh’s language. The language of millions of everyday Americans is not spoken where Frum hangs his hat. The place where he drinks the Kool-Aid. [My emphasis]
The cult of Washington seems to have affected some Republicans in Congress. These Republicans sound like populists. They criticize things just so they can get public approval. They haven’t learned after all of this time that we must stick to our conservative economic principles instead of joining the left to demagogue.
I don’t approve of government bailing out failing businesses. This never works. And there’s always curses with the hope diamond for bailouts from this administration. But…
From what I understand about the AIG bailout, which was negotiated and designed by Geithner, the complaints from Republicans about bonuses to some workers is sheer demagoguery. The bonuses were for people who had performed well and they were contracted for before the money from the government was arranged. If this administration prefers to spend taxpayer money on bailouts rather than allow failing company’s to go bankrupt, then they must understand that good workers who produce more are better for a company than less good ones. Unless the government wants to give the billions and see the company fail as these productive people leave AIG because they didn’t get what was promised them, then it is nonsense to complain about these bonuses. The money involved is a tiny fraction of the money the government is prepared to throw at the company. If you don’t think AIG is capable of making good business decisions, then why is the taxpayer’s money being thrown at AIG in the first place?
I hate it when Republicans sound like liberals.
I don’t know. I think we’re doing the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement a huge disservice if we say that disagreeing with Limbaugh or Palin is tantamount to being a “turncoat” to our cause.
It has nothing to do with disagreeing with Rush or Palin. Don’t set up this nonsense.
I do not adhere to the cult of personality. I deal in IDEAS. When Bush was correct, I applauded him, when not, I said so. When Clinton did good things, (he did do some good things) I praised him.
I prefer to stick to ideas. If something is a correct idea, I applaud it, if not, then I do not.
This so called dissension in the ranks of the right against Rush is a ploy created by Obama operatives. “Let’s you and him” fight is not my game. And I don’t want our side playing their game.
Rush has been pretty flawless of late. And, so far, Palin has been pretty good. But, again, it is not my job nor should it be anyone’s who posts here to praise or find fault with anyone per se. We must evaluate if an IDEA is right or wrong. That’s it. If Shelbey or Frum say the wrong thing, we must call them on it.
Of course, I have no problem with finding fault with such as Castro or Chavez on anything. And, so far, I have found not one thing Obama has done that I agree with.
For example can someone please explain to me why Obama feels it is necessary for all Americans to have our entire health care system run by the government, yet the only ones already under a government health care system, our military, Obama wants to force them to buy private insurance? If government health care is the ideal, then why should our servicemen be denied it? Of course, it is not the ideal, but what is the motivation for this strange dichotomy?
Rush is a distraction that Frum is playing up. Frum is a front runner when things were bad under Clinton he wrote “Dead Right” – on how conservatives were all screwed up. Then he goes to work for W and ends up penning two worthless books – one a fawning tribute to his former employer another celebrating our involvement in Iraq and calling for more action especially against Iran. So we lose and now he starts whining again. Frum like David Brooks, speaks for no one but for himself…he has the constituency of one – screw him