A blast from the disco past

Jose Reyes of Cubanology has written a great piece about what he considers the greatest disco album ever.


Now I didn’t grow up liking disco too much, or rather I liked it as a little kid but then it became uncool to like disco. But I think in retrospect that it’s hard not to smile when one of the anthems of the disco era is playing. Dance music today leaves a lot to be desired in comparison.

So head on over to the Cubanology Bi-weekly and get your groove on.

1 thought on “A blast from the disco past”

  1. She never recorded a perfect album, which is why her comp, especially Donna Summer Gold is the best introduction. Incredible songwriting and production, with a voice that knew warmth, humor, and when to NOT take itself too seriously.

    If you’re very curious, I Remember Yesterday, Bad Girls and The Wanderer should be part of your permanent collection.

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