Pretty stupid of these leftist assholes to finally admit what we’ve been saying all along about them.
“This is like something you’d hear about in a Third-World country, ” Hudson said, “We want the Constitution and the rule of law to mean what we say it means, and I think that’s critically important to our society going forward.”
Via KMOX, St. Louis, Missouri: “ACLU Seeks Federal Probe of St. Louis City Jails.”
(H/T Stop the ACLU)
Oops. Freudian slip.
What’s this? The ACLU went straight? Say it ain’t so!
The Constitution should mean what All Communists Love Us says it means?
Isn’t that called ‘making it up as one goes along’? Isn’t that what crooks and locked-ward denizens do?
Now wonder some call them, All Criminals Love Us. Or is it Communists?
Whatsa difference? Same thing, ain’t it?
They stink, as always. At least they’re consistent.
Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasota Key, Florida
28 March, 2009