Miami Herald outsources valuable jobs

For more than 45 years the Herald has performed a valuable service to the community by employing miserable bitches and bastards like Jack Kofoed, Ana Menendez and Carl Hiassen. Yes these folks were kept off the streets because they were paid to spread anti-Cuban exile sentiment.

Additionally, dozens of reporters have earned a living regurgitating castroite propaganda. But alas even the Herald’s professional Cuban-haters couldn’t avoid the inevitability of the budget axe and subsequent outsourcing. That’s right, the Herald has decided to cut out the middleman and is piping in its Cuban propaganda directly from the source.

Coming soon to, Reflexiones del compañero fidel and recaps of La Mesa Redonda.

2 thoughts on “Miami Herald outsources valuable jobs”

  1. Isn’t this why newspapers are circling the drain along with the mainstream media telepoodles?

    Aren’t they now at least coming clean about their communist leanings?

    Saw Hiassen interviewed a while ago. Typical nasty goods from the 60s. Wants the planet to himself and maybe a few of his fellow lefties. The rest of us can go croak. In another time, they’d have called him an ingrate and a bore.

    Hiassen expressed hatred and contempt for people who had the audacity to move to Florida without first begging his holiness’ permission. He told the 60 Spinnits ‘interviewer’ that every lowlife, penny ante crook, and scumbag, or words to that effect, crawled down Route One and settled in Florida.

    What’s that say about him?

    Isn’t it nice to see him express gratitude to those who bought his inane books and made him a millionaire?

    Didn’t know much about him prior to the interview. Knew all I needed to know following it.

    Is there a bright side? Yeah. I don’t need to waste a minute reading anything this guy or his Miami Feral commie rat pals write. They can go sxxx in their size two hats.

    At least I was paid for being an extra in Striptease when they filmed it in ’95 at the old Flipper studios in North Miami.

    Aren’t they a study in the narcissism of communism? They cling to their poxy communist philosophy, knowing full well it dooms them in the end.

    Paul Vincent Zecchino
    Manasoviet Key, Florida
    28 March, 2009

  2. Why did you omit my good friend Oscar “Blowjob” Corral from your list of “miserable bitches and bastards”? His record was cleared after completing his court-ordered rehabilitation program due to his arrest after haggling with a teenage prostitute in Flagami over the $50 price of oral sex.

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