An Optical Illusion


Don’t let this picture fool you. President Obama is NOT bowing down to the Saudi king. Sure, it looks like a bow. All the videos taken of the encounter seem to confirm that he was bowing before a foreign monarch, but according to the White House, that is all an optical illusion. Obama was not, we repeat, was not violating all sorts of protocol and bowing in deference to the King.

“It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

That’s a pretty lousy excuse. They would have been better off saying that Obama thought that he had spied a hundred-dollar bill on the floor that could have fallen out of the King’s pocket and he was bending over to get a better look. Times are tough and even the President can use an extra $100!

It would have been a better excuse to say that Obama was bending over to get a better look at the King’s cool new sandals. Or that he was demonstrating to the King how former President Bush dodged the flying shoes a few months back. There is a plethora of better excuses out there than the one the White House came up with, but then again, they haven’t been very good at much of anything.

Few things attest more to a man’s integrity and character than his willingness to admit he has made a mistake. Rookies make mistakes, they can’t help it, they’re rookies. And no one, not even the staunchest Obama supporter, was ever under the impression that Obama was going to be a seasoned statesman during the early months of his administration.

They should just admit it, take their lumps, and then get back to blaming everyone else for the mess they’re making.

15 thoughts on “An Optical Illusion”

  1. Alberto, must be something going around as it kind of reminds me of what the Congressional Red Caucus said in Cuba….

    “There is no oppression here. Everyone is happy. There are no political prisoners. It’s paradise here.”

    And there are plenty of potheads and kool aid drinkers that will buy that crap and will defend it….

    again, no wonder potheads are the Dems # 1 supporters.

  2. “Take if from me – it’s not the act, it’s the denial and coverup that plays havoc with those #$^()$@# focus group polls!”
    – R.M. Nixon,
    Key Biscaniac, FL

  3. Alberto,

    By the time the WH get’s through with refuting the fact that Obama bowed … distortion of events will be seen! … we will be told that although The One was trying to keep an imperfection from his followers … he finally (for the sake of transparency) had to admit that he was actually bending down to look for his eye contact lense which had fallen at such an inopportune moment. Voila!!! 😉

    I wish you well 🙂 Melek

    “We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.” ~ Ayn Rand

  4. Let me put it in the simplest words:

    The Barack Hussein Obama Presidency = The biggest BULLSHIT act and probably the most dangerous period in USA’s history since WW2.

    This is just the beginning of a very dark nightmare in our modern history as much more of this BULLSHIT is heading our way (courtesy of the Marxist anti-American bullshit artist and his MSM cohorts).

    So brace for it as it won’t be funny and extremely painful to watch this show.

    And be very strong because the next four years won’t be easy for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.

  5. Why did he bow down to the King of Saudi Arabia and not to Queen Elizabeth? Not that he should have bowed down to either of the two. Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

  6. This has actually not caught me by surprise as I was expecting this when he won the election. I knew he would be kissing muslim *@! at the first chance he got. The WH cover-up is to be expected, he is too arrogant to admit he messed up. If he had bowed to the Queen out of respect for her age I would not have been offended, but it still would not have been right. Folks this is just the beginning, we are in for a bumpy ride. I expect a photo op with the coma andante and his idiot brother before the year is out.

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