3 thoughts on “Lame Lameness”

  1. Lame? So what was Obama’s explanation for his longstanding close ties with Jeremiah Wright, just to give one example among zillions? What was Rangel’s explanation of his tax, er, irregularities? Listen, lame doesn’t matter. Hell, truth doesn’t matter. The only thing that seems to matter, for practical purposes, is being in with political fashion. Hypocrisy and bullshit have gotten so prevalent, so brazen, that it’s more or less normal now. Pretty soon, it may not mattter at all.

  2. The U.S. can’t ban travel to China because they OWN all our currency!

    In 10 years time, we might have to relocate the White House to CCP HQ in China to save the travel time.

    Does anyone know if travel to North Korea is legal from the US?

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