Cuba Press: US Caused Haiti Earthquake

I laughed so hard my stomach muscles hurt.

Just received, via email from our friend Robert Kent of Friends of Cuban Libraries:

Citing Russian sources, a Cuban government website claims that the devastating earthquake in Haiti was caused by a U.S. military attack employing electromagnetic waves and “shock wave bombs.”

The goal of the alleged U.S. attack, reports Radio Reloj, is to displace United Nations forces already in Haiti in order to occupy the Caribbean nation with U.S. troops.

The origin of the alleged attack, claims Radio Reloj, is a secret U.S. experimental unit named Project HAARP, designed to manipulate natural forces to “create climate anomalies to provoke floods, droughts and hurricanes.”

The report also blames the U.S. military for the devastating 2008 earthquake in China’s Sichuan Province. In advance of the “earthquake attack” on Haiti, declares Radio Reloj, the U.S. launched smaller experimental earthquake aggression against Venezuela and Honduras.

Source: “Russians Affirm U.S. Caused Earthquake in Haiti,” Radio Reloj, Jan. 20, 2010)

Here’s a report on same from..ahem…”Verdades de Cuba.” Please feel free to check out my response comment at the bottom.

9 thoughts on “Cuba Press: US Caused Haiti Earthquake”

  1. Well, he’s got much of worldwide enlightened opinion convinced the U.S. blockades Cuba, that Cuba provides superb health care and that Che was a valiant and cunning Guerrilla fighter….who’s to say they wont swallow this one too?

  2. Hey, what’s wrong with you guys? Didn’t you know that every problem in the world is OUR fault? And of course we want to take over Haiti because…….?????

  3. The combined Earthquake/Tsunami/Hurricane machine was developed under Dick Cheney. Cuba was the intended recepient but they screwed up the targeting software and hit haiti by mistake, according to Venezuelan experts.

  4. jsb,
    Now that might make some sense.
    But don’t you just love it when losers make up theories and accusations? Just read the dems and their theories and accusations today.

  5. OMG!!!! Caca for brains!!!! If that was the case the US could have snuffed out fifo a long time ago via a satellite. Tambien se puede concluir que los problemas intestinales de fifo tienen que ver con un devastador terremoto intestinal que le causaron los americanos. The plot thickens!!!! How soon before they also blame Israel?

  6. I am surprised they haven’t blamed Israel yet. Asleep at the switch, I suppose.
    So that would explain Israel’s sudden excellent response, a field hospital set up earlier than anyone else brought help. Just to cover up their guilt in this.

  7. Man oh man, can we ever put anything over these brilliant people in Cuban intelligence? They got the plans all figured out. First we blast Haiti and then occupy them and use the Haitians as slaves to build a bridge to Guantanamo. From there the Yankee imperialists will occupy Cuba where the American mafia will set up brothels/casinos/coconut stands all over the country. Afterwards they’ll do the same to Venezuela and build a bridge from Havana to Caracas, and thus Americans will take over all of Latin America with their evil imperialism. Save us fifo !!!!!!

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