The STASI legacy is alive and well in Havana

CubaNet reports that at checkpoints on entrances to Havana,  the PNR (Agentes de la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria) stopped citizens transporting seafood to Havana, and seized fish, lobster, and other products.  They also arrested  some citizens because they possessed more than their allowed limit of of food items- onion, garlic, fish, yogurt, alleging that the objective was to sell them in the black market.

Detienen a ciudadanos por trasladar productos del mar a La Habana
LA HABANA, Cuba, 13 de julio, (Roberto de Jesús Guerra Pérez / Hablemos Press / -Agentes de la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria (PNR) decomisaron varios kilogramos de pescado, langosta y otros productos, el sábado 10 de julio, a ciudadanos que viajaban desde Batabanó a la capital.

Los decomisos se realizaron en el punto de control ubicado en el cruce de la circunvalación 6 vías y entronque de la carretera Managua, cuando de regreso de dicho municipio un camión particular que trasportaba pasajero fue detenido por la policía. Este reportero fue testigo de los hechos.

También la policía arrestó a algunos ciudadanos debido a que llevaban más del límite permitido de diferentes productos (cebolla, ajo, pescado, yogurt), alegando que el objetivo era venderlos en el mercado negro.

Las autoridades han establecido en las entradas a La Habana puntos de control con el fin de incautar los productos antes mencionados y tambien tabaco, queso y viandas.

Según fuentes que pidieron anonimato, la semana pasada fueron decomisados en Santiago de las Vegas, a pequeños agricultores e intermediarios, cuatro camiones que transportaban viandas y hortalizas.


My God, how many thousands of Cubans are serving sentences imposed without due process for having contraband onions or garlic, or beef, or as in the case of Dr. Darsi Ferrer, “unauthorized” cement in their possession?   But don’t go thinking these are political prisoners, no sir these are bona fide criminals according to the court of castro.

6 thoughts on “The STASI legacy is alive and well in Havana”

  1. This has been going on for years. The famous puntos de control are just that. They also use these puntos to volunteer you to give others rides as well as make sure no one loaned you a car or to see if you have committed the mother of all crimes and given a ride to a foreigner. It is illegal for a Cuban national to have a foreigner in the car with him. It is assumed you are illegally running a cab service.

  2. Have the media and academia not noticed that in civil societies there are no checkpoints to enter their own cities?

  3. Ziva,

    Exactly! These people should be considered political prisoners as well. I think that human rights organizations like Amnesty International, etc.. define a political prisoner using extremely narrow parameters. In a Stalinized country like Cuba with a paranoid centralized government run by maniacal despots like the castro brothers, practically all “crimes” are offenses against the regime and should therefore be considered political crimes making the detainees political prisoners.

  4. “Have the media and academia not noticed that in civil societies there are no checkpoints to enter their own cities?”

    The MSM could care less Lazaro,

    When they address the Cuba issue is all about praising Cuba’s great Health care system, the progress of the Revolution or bashing the US embargo and us the Cuban-Americans intransigents.

    The MSM could care less about the truth in Cuba.

  5. Ziva , you are right , these Cubans unjustly arrested for having food supplies that they badly needed are victims of the Revolutionary justice , I mean injustice system so they should be consider political prisoners.

    However,Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch are compromised, in matter of fact the later is taking money from Saudi.

    Amnesty International has Susan Sarandon, an hard Pro Left , social justice among her leading members.

    Cuba reports are posted in their web sites but the leadership or the important members like Susan zip their mouth about openly advocating for Human Rights in Cuba.

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